Lindows 4.0.x
Lindows, later Linspire, was an attempt similar to Corel Linux to put desktop Linux in the hands of the consumer. With a customized KDE 3.x desktop, custom applications borderline cloning the Apple iLife suite, and a primitive "app store," it was intended to be easy to use and fully functional out of the box.
Lindows 4.0 works fine in 86Box.
Make VM for Windows 10 - When Install from CD ends, OS dont launch as if installer dont make loader for it.
Make VM for Other Linux - stands at "Please Wait" and after 15 minutes reboots
1) Create a new VM as Linux 2.4 (or the closest thing to it).
2) Turn off VMWare SVGA mode in GPU settings (in VB you should change to VboxVGA or VBoxSVGA), this is required because X11s VMWare GPU driver tries to force the screen to match the hosts colour depth. Can be fixed afterwards by manually editing /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.
3) Disable audio (not sure why this fails but with audio enabled it does, Linux 2.4 has decent support for AC97?).
4) Boot the CD into config mode.
5) Type startx and hit enter.
6) Profit.