AutoSketch 2.x (Win)

AutoSketch is a 2D vector program sold by Autodesk. Although not as powerful as AutoCAD, it can work with 2D AutoCAD files.
AutoSketch is a 2D vector program sold by Autodesk. Although not as powerful as AutoCAD, it can work with 2D AutoCAD files.
If anyone has a good copy please mail me at Thank you very much!
I assume you have not read our formats page.
The installer for this appears to be one of a pretty small number of programs I've come across which is actually broken by the Y2K bug (or possibly Y2K20 bug), falling over a minute or two into copying the first disk over with the error message "FATAL ERROR AT SCRIPT LINE 428. Invalid arithmetic operation." This behaviour was seen both on a Virtualbox machine and actual hardware (the Compaq Deskpro 386S which lives about two feet to the right of my main workstation). Setting the system clock back to a date in the 90s sees the installer run normally. As best as I can tell this doesn't affect the program itself, just the installer.
It doesn't technically require it, but this is one of the programs where you'll thank yourself for picking a machine with a math coprocessor to run it on. It's painfully slow at drawing on the Compaq but is more or less usable on my Toshiba T5200/200 which spec wise is almost identical save for the presence of an 80387 math coprocessor.