AutoSketch 2.x (Win)

edited August 2021 in Product Comments

imageAutoSketch 2.x (Win)

AutoSketch is a 2D vector program sold by Autodesk. Although not as powerful as AutoCAD, it can work with 2D AutoCAD files.

Read the full story here


  • Unfortunately these files appear to be corrupt download ok virus checked - ok extract ok but will not mount - REAL SHAME! as I've been looking for this prog for years!!!
    If anyone has a good copy please mail me at Thank you very much!
  • The disk images work fine for me.

    I assume you have not read our formats page.
  • edited April 2024
    Having learned it in secondary school in around 98 this software has been my go to for most CAD tasks ever since. It does what it says on the tin without a huge amount of additional fluff, and still is a reasonably powerful bit of software.

    The installer for this appears to be one of a pretty small number of programs I've come across which is actually broken by the Y2K bug (or possibly Y2K20 bug), falling over a minute or two into copying the first disk over with the error message "FATAL ERROR AT SCRIPT LINE 428. Invalid arithmetic operation." This behaviour was seen both on a Virtualbox machine and actual hardware (the Compaq Deskpro 386S which lives about two feet to the right of my main workstation). Setting the system clock back to a date in the 90s sees the installer run normally. As best as I can tell this doesn't affect the program itself, just the installer.

    It doesn't technically require it, but this is one of the programs where you'll thank yourself for picking a machine with a math coprocessor to run it on. It's painfully slow at drawing on the Compaq but is more or less usable on my Toshiba T5200/200 which spec wise is almost identical save for the presence of an 80387 math coprocessor.
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