Facepalm at more bad UI

There must have been an "upgrade" to the forum the other day, because now lots of buttons display extra-wide.
Probably some marketing metric-head thinking that more pixels in any direction makes it easier to click or something.
It is just more confusing as they don't LOOK like buttons and actually easier to click the wrong thing.
Vanilla Forums has become stupid now. Time to change forum host?
I set up a test forum in an old WinBoards style recently just to play with it, and it reminded me of what I used to like about forums - and what I hate about Vanilla. (Screenshot for reference)
Aside from that dumb "activity" mis-feature and the lack of a visible "edit" post button, it hasn't been too horrible, although clunky, yes.
With all of the features, you would think they would add the ability for an admin to customize smilies. At least I don't see options like that in the front-end that I have access to. The old PHPBB forum had a bunch of custom ones.
Of course, now every time I post I keep hitting the "save draft" button.
I'm guessing someone from marketing wanted some changes.... arrrraaag.
But it won't let me turn off the plugin, only select one of 6 pre-defined options. WTF?
Well, for now, I selected "yahoo" style. At least they aren't as large.