Offer - AnmanieSMP 2.4 Win32 - Super Oldtime Image Deformer Nice Piece Of Code>>>

Here's another one of those apps I can play with for eons...

The deformation tools are well thought-out, has animation ability too and to top it off it exports to quite a few image formats and is very small size...

Great to use in cohorts with a full-blown GIF animation program...WebPainter too...

Looks like we are heading towards a Frank Zappa or Todd Rundgren Look- was-is the ONLY place I could find this for a download...I already had it, just wanted to find it hosted somewhere but of ALL CYBERSPACE was the only...

So this is a Slavic site I presume & you can download anything on there as long as it's under 1 MB...So hit the 'Pobierz' button then in the pop-in window hit it again, fill out CAPTCHA & hit 'Pobierz' for the final time...

It's safe the one I am using in the image is the same one downloaded from,
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