CoreNET software PC-51 for IBM 5100/5150
There are references to a very old piece of software called PC51 from CoreNET - that allowed some cross-communication between the IBM 5100 and IBM 5150. But I can't find any reference to a manual or the media. The media may have been on a cassette tape (for both platforms), and no idea how the interconnection was made. But if anyone knows of a place repository where this might still exist, would be interested to learn more about it.
The software shipped on disk.
IIUC, PC51 would allow an XT user to read Core 5110 hard drives, with an 8" floppy drive read 5110 floppies, load and run 5110 BASIC programs, and even have those 5110 BASIC programs use the XT's drives as storage. I haven't found a review of it in Infoworld, Computer World, or PC Magazine so I have no idea if it worked.