Windows 3.0 / 3.1 for Workgroups 3.1

Windows 3.x was the first to gain significant development and commercial traction. It combined the 8086, 286, and 386 modes of Windows 2 in to one package. It replaced the MSDOS Executive with a Program Manager and File Manager similar to those in OS/2 1.x. Much of its success was spurred by the availability and success of Microsoft Office. Although Microsoft would have had you believe otherwise, Windows 3.x was the direct foundation for Chicago/Windows 95.
And I uploaded it to too.
Version 3.0a
I install Windows FWG 3.11 in VMWare, in a IBM PC-DOS 5.01 virtual machine with MSCDEX,Sound Blaster driver and 1024x768 256C SVGA driver(from one of my friend).
After I install it to the machine,I reboot the machine and start the Windows. It stuck when the logo showed. I didn’t hear the “tada” sound and the disk active light didn’t flash at all.
I guess the real mode 640k is full but i can’t repair it. Can someone help me?
Unfortunately there are no VMware Tools for Windows 3.11 as per this document:
"*No VMware Tools package exists for MS-DOS 6.22 or Windows 3.1x guest operating systems. As a result, Windows 3.1x is limited to VGA mode graphics, and you must always use the Ctrl+Alt key combination to release the mouse from a MS-DOS 6.22 or
Windows 3.1x virtual machine"
my SVGA driver works perfectly in Windows 3.10 and I’m pretty sure that’s not an official driver. I get it in a chinese video website and the only problem of the driver was the palette will not change when I quit DOS program and back to Windows.
(My English was really bad, I hope you can understand it.
Edit:I found the problem. My SVGA Driver doesn’t compatible with some driver for WFW 3.11’s first boot. Thank you!