PowerPoint 4.x

edited November 2022 in Product Comments
imagePowerPoint 4.x

Microsoft PowerPoint is a graphical presentation tool that is today part of Microsoft Office. Prior to its acquisition by Microsoft, it was known as "Presenter" from Forethought Inc. These are the standalone versions. For the Office bundled versions, see Microsoft Office.

Read the full story here


  • Just to let everyone know, there is a missing disk in the English Powerpoint 4.0c set for Windows. It is missing disk 8, but has all other disks from 1 to 11 in the set. So, if someone wants to install Powerpoint 4.0 on their systems, they will have to use 4.0a for now until the set is corrected.
  • Thanks for pointing that out. I've marked it as incomplete for the moment. I'll dig around and see if I can figure out what happened. I thought those were all complete, so I may have made a mistake when packaging it.
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