OFFER! - SoundEngine 5.21 Win32 - Audio Editor That Can Be Installed or Portabled>>>
From Japanese Dev is SoundEngine Free...This Dev has been around awhile I have a version 2.71 from 2001...
I like this for THESE reasons-
-App offers to unpack to run as portable rather than install which is what I choose...
-App uses all internalized FX does NOT hook DX or VSTs (Faster & Truly Portable)...
-App has Pitch Adjust Panel right up front on tab (not tucked away requiring massive mouse clicks)...
-App has WaveGenerator for creating sounds from scratch (Spectacle to waste time with)...
This version 5.21 is not current but works in XP...The current 5.23.3 slaps you in the face with 'NOT A 32 BIT APPLICATION!!!' error so is probably for windows 7-up who knows...
So you might wanna grab this maybe you don't much like Audacity like me...
I had been using Nero Wave Editor but it's not really portable it has to install DLL garbage in windows directory I used it for pitch changing samples but SoundEngine does same & IS portable...
5.21 is at THIS wayback link-
If you want CURRENT version-
Maybe you need even older version here is link for 4.58-
I like this for THESE reasons-
-App offers to unpack to run as portable rather than install which is what I choose...
-App uses all internalized FX does NOT hook DX or VSTs (Faster & Truly Portable)...
-App has Pitch Adjust Panel right up front on tab (not tucked away requiring massive mouse clicks)...
-App has WaveGenerator for creating sounds from scratch (Spectacle to waste time with)...
This version 5.21 is not current but works in XP...The current 5.23.3 slaps you in the face with 'NOT A 32 BIT APPLICATION!!!' error so is probably for windows 7-up who knows...
So you might wanna grab this maybe you don't much like Audacity like me...
I had been using Nero Wave Editor but it's not really portable it has to install DLL garbage in windows directory I used it for pitch changing samples but SoundEngine does same & IS portable...
5.21 is at THIS wayback link-
If you want CURRENT version-
Maybe you need even older version here is link for 4.58-