OFFER!!!...Codyssey CodeSafe 1.1 Win32...Nice Flash Drive Application Launcher>>>

From the same peeps as FreeEraser just tested this today filling up an old flash drive with 2D-3D apps...

Very nice & most things very well thought out this was to become a commercial product later on...

You can add apps to classes & just show those to choose from rather than everything...Even shows free space on the flash drive plus makes directories for the regular goofball stuff...

Has option to force-kill processes running when the eject button is tapped, which is cool, plus many other...Looks like changing sounds or folder icons is easy enough...

INSTALLS right onto whatever flash drive you are targeting & I see why as it defaults to that location for looking for apps or directories

So here is the page for info just punch the 'download now' in the middle of the page-

Working well on XP...
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