Looking for someone with FlexLM cracking experience
Just wondering if anyone here knows any old school crackers that has Flex experience?
Metrowerks CodeWarrior (Pro 5 1999-06-18) for PlayStation... R5 has a key available, but the update 5.2 does not and the old key isn't compatible, making this update unusable.
pool7 wrote:
I was looking a little more into this. FlexLM's license has to have a list of "features" and corresponding serial for each
It seems the 5.2 update added a new such feature for the linker and compiler: Win32_Plugins_MIPS_PlayStation
The other 2 existing features (CodeWarriorIDE and WIN32_PLAYSTATION_MIPS) remain and work, but without adding the new one, it won't compile
Unfortunately I can't get flexgen to create a proper serial (not even for the main features, for which it gives a different serial than the one we have)
I'm happy to paypal a few bucks for it.
Metrowerks CodeWarrior (Pro 5 1999-06-18) for PlayStation... R5 has a key available, but the update 5.2 does not and the old key isn't compatible, making this update unusable.
pool7 wrote:
I was looking a little more into this. FlexLM's license has to have a list of "features" and corresponding serial for each
It seems the 5.2 update added a new such feature for the linker and compiler: Win32_Plugins_MIPS_PlayStation
The other 2 existing features (CodeWarriorIDE and WIN32_PLAYSTATION_MIPS) remain and work, but without adding the new one, it won't compile
Unfortunately I can't get flexgen to create a proper serial (not even for the main features, for which it gives a different serial than the one we have)
I'm happy to paypal a few bucks for it.
The license.dat file should contain:
Update ----
Thanks to pool7, he got the Code Warrior R5.2 (5.2 is the update from R5) license.dat file (I think it also works with R5)!
The license.dat file should contain:
FEATURE CodeWarriorIDE metrowks 4.0 permanent uncounted D637D7CAC358 \
FEATURE WIN32_PLAYSTATION_MIPS metrowks 1.000 permanent uncounted \
FEATURE Win32_Plugins_MIPS_PlayStation metrowks 1 permanent uncounted \
Also how well does this program mesh up today with the latest IDE.. God forbid I am going to us the new visual studio..
Not sure how he got it, but here are his notes:
#define ENCRYPTION_SEED1 0xA2134F11
#define ENCRYPTION_SEED2 0x38ABC930
#define VENDOR_KEY1 0xf45df17b
#define VENDOR_KEY2 0x9ed2a296
#define VENDOR_KEY3 0xc4973c49
#define VENDOR_KEY4 0xebc1dab2
#define VENDOR_KEY5 0xaae1982c
#define VENDOR_NAME "metrowks"
already had this info:
working license.dat with 2 features from R5 FCN release
vendor name (as listed in license.dat): metrowks
flexlm version (lmgr326b.dll corresponds to flexlm 6.1)
was only missing 1 feature in license.dat, which was added with 5.2 update of CW PS1:
(feature name is shown in error message from CW)
used flexvkg3 to get vendor keys 1 through 5 based on vendor name above
used FlexGEN 2000.3's LMGR\lmgr326b.dll to get magic #
used FlexGEN 2000.3's Make INI to get encryption seeds from magic # (vendor keys shown by FlexGEN were different/wrong(?))
unfortunately FlexGEN 2000.3's generated license data from the above didn't work (and even if it had worked, it creates licenses with credits to the scene group, which I don't like)
then the next part is partially based on this article: https://www.darkridge.com/~jpr5/mirror/fravia.org/pilgrim.htm
FlexLM v.6.1.rar
pass: d@rsy1234
installed flexlm SDK 6.1
modified C:\Program Files\flexlm\v6.1\machind\lm_code.h
with the vendor keys, encryption seeds and vendor name from above
ran C:\Program Files\flexlm\v6.1\i86_n3\Genlic32.exe
filled in needed fields
generated licenses for the 2 features for which we already had license, to compare; matched
generated license for the last feature (the one we were missing) and it worked