Looking for someone with FlexLM cracking experience

Just wondering if anyone here knows any old school crackers that has Flex experience?

Metrowerks CodeWarrior (Pro 5 1999-06-18) for PlayStation... R5 has a key available, but the update 5.2 does not and the old key isn't compatible, making this update unusable.


pool7 wrote:
I was looking a little more into this. FlexLM's license has to have a list of "features" and corresponding serial for each
It seems the 5.2 update added a new such feature for the linker and compiler: Win32_Plugins_MIPS_PlayStation
The other 2 existing features (CodeWarriorIDE and WIN32_PLAYSTATION_MIPS) remain and work, but without adding the new one, it won't compile
Unfortunately I can't get flexgen to create a proper serial (not even for the main features, for which it gives a different serial than the one we have)

I'm happy to paypal a few bucks for it.


  • edited August 2023
    Update, thanks to pool7, he got the Code Warrior R5.2 (5.2 is the update from R5) license.dat file (I think it also works with R5)!

    The license.dat file should contain:

    Update ----
    Thanks to pool7, he got the Code Warrior R5.2 (5.2 is the update from R5) license.dat file (I think it also works with R5)!

    The license.dat file should contain:

    FEATURE CodeWarriorIDE metrowks 4.0 permanent uncounted D637D7CAC358 \

    FEATURE WIN32_PLAYSTATION_MIPS metrowks 1.000 permanent uncounted \
    282F5D36CA60 HOSTID=ANY

    FEATURE Win32_Plugins_MIPS_PlayStation metrowks 1 permanent uncounted \

  • I was going to message you butglad you figured it out! You can figure out FlexLM breaking by mimicking a serial connection with a serial emulator. Is that what pool7 ended up doing?

    Also how well does this program mesh up today with the latest IDE.. God forbid I am going to us the new visual studio..
  • It's a playstation ps1 compiler/IDE, I would wouldn't recommend using the IDE, notepad++ is a better IDE, but I use Eclipse.

    Not sure how he got it, but here are his notes:


    #define ENCRYPTION_SEED1 0xA2134F11
    #define ENCRYPTION_SEED2 0x38ABC930

    #define VENDOR_KEY1 0xf45df17b
    #define VENDOR_KEY2 0x9ed2a296
    #define VENDOR_KEY3 0xc4973c49
    #define VENDOR_KEY4 0xebc1dab2
    #define VENDOR_KEY5 0xaae1982c

    #define VENDOR_NAME "metrowks"

    already had this info:
    working license.dat with 2 features from R5 FCN release
    vendor name (as listed in license.dat): metrowks
    flexlm version (lmgr326b.dll corresponds to flexlm 6.1)

    was only missing 1 feature in license.dat, which was added with 5.2 update of CW PS1:
    (feature name is shown in error message from CW)

    used flexvkg3 to get vendor keys 1 through 5 based on vendor name above

    used FlexGEN 2000.3's LMGR\lmgr326b.dll to get magic #
    used FlexGEN 2000.3's Make INI to get encryption seeds from magic # (vendor keys shown by FlexGEN were different/wrong(?))
    unfortunately FlexGEN 2000.3's generated license data from the above didn't work (and even if it had worked, it creates licenses with credits to the scene group, which I don't like)

    then the next part is partially based on this article: https://www.darkridge.com/~jpr5/mirror/fravia.org/pilgrim.htm

    FlexLM v.6.1.rar
    pass: d@rsy1234
    installed flexlm SDK 6.1
    modified C:\Program Files\flexlm\v6.1\machind\lm_code.h
    with the vendor keys, encryption seeds and vendor name from above
    ran C:\Program Files\flexlm\v6.1\i86_n3\Genlic32.exe
    filled in needed fields
    generated licenses for the 2 features for which we already had license, to compare; matched
    generated license for the last feature (the one we were missing) and it worked :)

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