OFFER!!!...3D PaintBrush Win32... This Version 1 Had 3DSnip 'OpenGL-DX Model Capture'...

Yup, version 2 was missing that...

Might be the best feature I don't know I have never tried it but I know some who used this app just for ripping models from games & krap...

Pretty much SketchUp oriented in nature as this is pretty basic surfacing application with some animation ability & flash output as well...Simple enough that 'Simple Jack' could use it... Karl Childers would be a Wiz at it since he never went full retard...

The title is misleading as there is NO 'brush' painting in it...It's mostly dragging shaders or textures onto model parts & doing some adjustments...

A good companion app to the recent SketchUp 4 posting...

Pass is WinWorld



Looks like I got a speed bump....


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