OFFER!!!... BrainDistrict PaintSupreme 1.5 Win32... The Painter that Came-Went as Fast as Mirai>>>

Not really old maybe from 2011 works well in XP...

This company sorta popped in then popped out & this was last version... There was 1.0 then a quick 1.1 as the first version had no tablet function which was hard to call it 'PaintSUPREME' so was added in 1.1...Then there was 1.5 then death...

The GUI is nice with general sorta PSP function but no blend modes on layers nor brush... Pen Pressure working just fine... Has some built-in filters but also loads IFX-Supreme Filters (a separate app, I'll be uploading as well) but there was supposed to be a buttload to download right into it but that never happened. With IXF-Supreme you make your own out of a nodal network, save them out then open in PaintSupreme...

So what's good about it? There's usually something noteworthy in most anything & in PaintSupreme it is the VERY LARGE list of supported file formats with some freaky stuff in there AND it has a pretty nice Magic Wand function I like...

They sold this pretty cheap but it was bad timing... Maybe ten years before they'd make it fine with this...

If you need an Editor-Painter that will open all kinda ODD format then this is worth using even for just conversion Porpoises...

Pass is WinWorld



FYI- DON'T EAT any of those 1 cent burgers they are gonna be 'releasing' from fast food fecal factories soon...
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