Super Micro Floppy Office - 12 Windows Programs in a 180kb Floppy Image

Hello everyone,

Following on from the previous 360kb micro floppy office attempt, I've now shrunk that even more.

This is my latest (and probably last) attempt - a 180kb floppy image (IMA format) with 12 small Windows GUI programs.

While there's still a focus on office applications I had to ditch the zip-unzip program for space reasons, so now all programs are simply the executables.

Other than that, there's a Text Editor, Spreadsheet, Web Browser, Image Editor, File Manager and various system utilities etc.

The 12 programs in the floppy image are:

All the documentation and download files are on my small Synology website here:

I've attached some images below of the programs in the IMA floppy image.

These programs are mainly for Windows XP (although some work fine with W2K - W10).

Also made out of curiosity.

I don't think I can shrink this much further but if someone wants to improve on it, please do.

Best regards,


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