Replace the Startup&Shutdown Sound in Windows FWG 3.11

I have a Windows FWG 3.11 with PubTech File Organizer VM and I want to replace the startup sound.
What’s the name of Startup and Shutdown sound file?
How can I get the Windows NT 4.0 Startup&Shutdown sound(.mid)?
Why there’s no Shutdown sound after I install the PubTech File Organizer? I tried to rename the winold.ini but it doesn’t work.


  • In Windows 3.x, you go to the Control Panel and open the Sound applet. That will let you change startup and exit sounds. Windows uses WAV files, not MIDI files.

    It is possible that Pubtech File Organizer uses a slightly different method to exit Windows, that may not trigger the shutdown sound.
  • @SomeGuy Thanks for your answer!

    PubTech File Organizer changed some .ini file such as win.ini and system.ini. I’ll try rename/rewrite them later.
  • edited October 2023
    Here‘s another problem.
    The sound will pause when the desktop came out.
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