[offer] Aldus Touchbase Pro OEM 1.0 for windows (SCP, IMG) [3.5]

Here is Aldus Touchbase Pro OEM 1.0 for windows

It's a contact management software and runs on Windows 3.

Image from untouched disk in SCP format and converted to IMG.



  • Thanks very much for offer the rare program!
  • Hey, in the artwork folder it seems the photos or scans are in some weird "heic" format. What is that? I have nothing that recognizes those.

    Could you please save those as .jpg or .png and re-upload those? Thanks.
  • @SomeGuy ah yes I forgot to convert them to jpg. Heic is the default format for iPhone. Will update later this day.
  • "Heic is the default format for iPhone"

    Interesting. I upload and download pics from my iPhones regularly. Never knew one would "save out" to email, or a PC in it's native format. Always jpg. Maybe a iCloud default? I dunno, I still use the phone as a...phone - so not savvy.
  • @02k-guy in Photos setting you have the option to save pictures in compatible mode (jpg) or native format (heic). you must also choose in camera setting the "high efficiency" format for recordimg your pictures.
  • Here is the new link for the full package, with additional pictures and in jpg.

  • @callmejack . Ah. Now I understand that. Welp, have a new iPhone (as of Mar 2023), never made any change in Settings, and it does jpg by default, same as previous one.

    (shrugs) no biggie...

    The iPhone "just works" which is why I use one.

    And thanks for the "splainin" - I'm old and need a lot of that nowadays.
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