Adobe Acrobat 5.x

Adobe Acrobat, first released in 1993, is a tool for creating portable electronic documents. Its documents retain complex formatting when used across differing systems, so that they appear identical when viewed on screen or printed to a printer. Acrobat accomplishes this by encapsulating Adobe's PostSript printer language in to a document file format and offering the ability to embed fonts that are not present on the target system.
I dont have a clue. But Google suggests there may well have been...
Thanks for the screenshot I'll look into that...
Version 3.0:
I've downloaded, but not installed. ISO looks properly imaged, tool for mastering is: "TOAST ISO 9660 BUILDER COPYRIGHT (C) 1997 ADAPTEC, INC.".
I've noted that Acrobat 6.0 Standard is mastered with Adaptec Easy CD 5.2, so this seems not out of line.
The upload includes good scans of CD, jewel case and serial number. Here are some more serials:
s/n: AEB100R3100000-100-150 s/n: AEB100R3498245-291 s/n: KWW500R7150122-128
As for manual: Adobe was right proud of it's PDF format, and somewhere there is usually a statement that "There is no printed manual, Use \Help\AcroHelp.pdf on the CD-ROM."