OFFER!!!... Propellerhead Rebirth 2.01 Win32 Portable & A Bit More - Run It From Anywhere>>>

edited February 2024 in Offers & Requests
Rebirth STILL wildly popular & numerous sites still abound on the web but they all have the original Rebirth-turned-freeware (in 2005) that needs damn CD in a drive or mounted & Rebirth must 'SEE' it to run at all...

This portable is based on the cracked version that was out for some years before Propellerhead made it free. So it does NOT need to see a CD to function. Includes patternmaster & some RBS songs that I have listened to that aren't too bad & some by PEFF & a few others rather top-notch...

One thing that is NOT portable are the included MODs which are cracked mods as they are a form of protection as well... ONLY these MODs work with this portable version... Other MODs you might find on the web will not work...

The included MODs must be placed in a certain directory path & I have foldered them like that then this portable Rebirth will be able to 'find' them...

Here is a GIF of included MODs-

Of course there is no Rewire function... You would need to install the cracked version for that but for 'playing around' from a flash drive or spawning out on a number of machines this portable is fastest plus it need no install...

Rebirth had massive appeal & following in the late 90's & odd enough the limitations probably accounted for alot of that as you cannot do chords you only have 2 303s for riffing & 2 drum modules so easier for the non-musician but many of those 'folk' pumped out much crappy tunes as well...

Now the archive name is REBRT2PORT.rar... So no matter what pops up if it ain't THAT then you cancel, never DL an EXE from a hoster, you cancel then try again, maybe twice then here comes REBRT2PORT.rar...

Just providing awareness there as I am using a few more hosts you never know what they will pull...

Pass is WinWorld



BTW over here you can listen to Rebirth VS the Original TB-303 note that Rebirth is rated a 6.9 out of 10 & it's only 1.1 points from matching the best on the entire page & since it's the OLDEST I'd have to give it a bonus... Their patterns there are not something to write home about, too fast to allow chirps, squeals & ties to flourish>>>

Rebirth is about 3/4 down the page>>>

You also might wanna download 'Rebirth of the Cool' which contains advanced tips of achieving various functions Rebirth does not actually feature, Has PDF plus example RBS-

Here is article for Rebirth from 1997 when it was version 1.5-

Here is article for Rebirth from 1998 when it was version 2.0-

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