OFFER!!!... Mackie Tracktion Win32 - The 'Single Page' DAW But No Longer!>>>

Just installing on this machine so I figured I'd post it... It's one year from being 20 years old so it can go out & get a job now...

The repute of Tracktion was that all functions could be called up on a single page without having to go anywhere else except for settings or the project browser... Well, Tracktion morphed into 'Waveform' years ago & that 'motto' & modus operandi did not hold up. Waveform looks like other DAWs do nowadays & has many other pages & panels of menus...

Great idea gone to sewage tank...

Tracktion is a heavy hitter MIDI as well like EnergyXT or Logic or Cubase... Multi-timbral Multi-out Synths no problem...

Comes with some extras some 'Tracktion-Centric' Plugins, Reviews, Some Color Schemes but not great ones I will be makin' some of my own soon I kinda like the LCARS one though-

Others may drive one crazy in short order... The dark violet one isn't too bad either...

Comes with some interesting demo tunes & I have included a promo video from then that is quite hilarious... The guy is recording a guitar player THEN an accordion to mix in which sounds terrible then states " As You can See Tracktion is both Powerful & Intuitive but if your Music is crap it will still sound like crap but at least you can make it faster in Tracktion!"

HaHAA!!... Great stuff...

Don't know the system requires but it's gotta be real reasonable, Working great on XP...

Pass is WinWorld



  • edited February 2024
    Thanks for sharing this! I found this to be really impressive, playing samples as midi, the abilty to time stretch and move the sample in the program! (not sure if or how it can save it tho)

    I wasnt able to figure it out, but I can just do it manually or record system audio on the c sample via audacity and trim it.

    I like the piano roll editor, very simple and intuitive... going to spend more time with this one, thanks again :)
  • edited February 2024
    Ahhhhh... Garcia, Our WinWorld Quick Study... Yes, this has what you discovered. Also kool is the 'Rack Filters' which is like aux send-receive on steroids. It is in this version but was not in version 1. I like the fast access to automation as well...

    BTW... I like how most the tunes utilized the old GUI-Less MDA plugins... Found the password for the old SCplugins pack as well...

    The pass is 03051999

    From here-

    However those are not GUI-less...
  • edited March 2024
    I really like this v2 very simple, I'm checking out the latest v12... there's a free version and the pro version isn't priced too bad ($99), I'm testing it out now in my VM.

    ah it's $150, well maybe when it's on discount, maybe... I still like the simplicity and default bright color scheme of v2.

    would you happen to have a newer version? before it went black UI? ie v4 or v5 I think maybe even v6.
    I read they were made free when a newer version came out.
  • Hi TalkOrBell! Mind making available again, using a filesharing service? The and links you'd put up, aren't working anymore :(

    Thank you! Looking fwd to playing w/ this simple+useful version of Tracktion.
  • Sure, I guess, as it's still handy>>>

    Have added a few extras since last time most notable is ReViSiT which is a VSTi Tracker plugin, very powerful for MIDI workflow triggering VSTi in Tracktion or using samples within itself in Impulse Tracker style & beyond>>>

    One can also simply listen to or master out tracker modules within the Tracktion enviro>>>

    Other than Cubase Tracktion is the only recommended DAW for ReViSiT & it works quite well in it>>>

    So password is WinWorld

  • Omg, TalkOrBell, thank you SO much for the lovely treat, including extras!!

    Will install and play with it (them, incl the plugins) tonight :)

  • would it be possible to re upload this too?
    thank you very much as always!
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