OFFER!!!... SoundTrek Jammer Pro 6.0.51 +Portable Win32 & All Styles Addon Pak>>>

Recent install myself so I figured it's 'time'...

Website has been in maintenance mode for 11 years so I think there's no coming back...

Close to last 'live' snapshot-

BTW HIGHLY recommend you grab the video tuts, they are for v5 but same-o deal as it takes alot of understandation to grasp this 'Heavy Hitter' MIDI composer that is quite deep-

Now if you have a problem with dead link try a different year snapshot...

Now in Jammer you can compose yourself as much as you want or let styles of ALL KINDS do partially or FULLY for you. There is so much functionality in it the big part is learning it all...

Hopefully you got something better than the microshaft softsynth pathetic sounding garbage... I have included the YAMAHA XG if you can install it as it's way better. I plan on installing the old Native Instruments Bandstand which is & was really the best way to listen & render out MIDI files... There are other methods like the coolsoft MIDI synth thing but that always messed up other apps access to ASIO & directsound I no longer use that crap...

You can always export the MID & run it in something else... Guys did this with Reason all the time back in the day since it dealt with MID very well...

There is a portable in here so you can learn on the go... The installer has also addon styles which are ALL the styles available pretty insane amount...

This can make any kinda music, the only issue is what you route it to for sound... Using MIDI Matrix or other virtual MIDI port you can hook it up to AXS's Synth Section... Or Sync Modular, or Reaktor... Use your brain>>>

Pass is WinWorld



  • edited March 2024
    This is a midi power house! :tired_face::blush:
    To me the UI feels like it's from the mid 90's, especially the piano roll features, there's nothing really there.

    I think the power of this was the automation called musician... well it's called Jammer so :blush: , I'll watch the vid tuts and see if it's useful to me.

    Another great package thanks!
  • After a few minutes with this, it's very high level.
    The composition is done in the measure window, which to me is harder to understand.
    You basically control the chord progression and timing, and the app does magic in the background.

    It's not bad, but different, at least to me.
    It does produce good compositions I think, but I think it 'borrows' them from midi files.

    It's not bad as an idea generation app, and the midi file export is probably the best I've seen, so it can be imported easily and modified in a DAW.

    A strange one, but very useful app, thanks :)

  • Seems right on review, You are quite the quick study... BTW Reason 2.5 pretty good MIDI import as I recall, might try that for the MID files>>>
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