PKZip 1.x

Pkzip is the most common archiver for MS-DOS based systems. It implements a an open compression method and is much faster than other archivers of its time.
Pkzip is the most common archiver for MS-DOS based systems. It implements a an open compression method and is much faster than other archivers of its time.
PKZIP 1.1 looks to be the "export version for EU". This build contains PKZIP.EXE /without/ encryption.
A quick compare between the linked files below will reveal:
US version
Export version
I stumbled on this while doing diffs on the various packages I'd collected, and then this page set me right:
The (as near as can be determined) original distribution:
Also: a commenter to the post above states they bought an original PKZIP diskette from eBay, and it had the same "PKZIP110.EXE" as the one in the link above.
OK, I'm done now. Really, really done. Unless I find another "incredibly useless factoid"...