My Collection of Round Tuits
Hello everyone,
I apologise if this is posted in the wrong section, but it didn't seem to fit anywhere else.
I thought a few people here might get a chuckle from my accumulation of round tuits that have come my ways over the last 25 years.
Most were saved from the side of the road as it always struck me as a waste to throw out PCs, so since the late 90's I've rescued what I could.
A few years back I got semi motivated and restored and sold roughly half of them on Ebay and Gumtree (~120) but my motivation since then has gone south . . . and for some reason, they keep accumulating and now there seem to be around 150 lurking in the garage and spare room . . . and the dining room and the lounge room.
The chuckle page is here:
The latest additions are a Sager NP 8560 (OEM branded Clevo) from ~2000 and 3 iMac G3's, all working.
The Sager has been well used - by co-incidence the previous owner is a semi-local who was tickled to find out the laptop was still alive and kicking.

The Bondi Blue iMac on the left is a September 1998 build so that was a bit of a find.

I doubt I'll ever get around to restoring what I have now, but at least my kids have the local skip bin supplier on speed dial.
Collecting tuits can be rather habit forming . . . and unfortunately I've been on a bit of a Windows 98 and XP laptop (and iMac G3) binge so far this year and that's added to the tuits.
Maybe when I stop working in a few years I'll get motivated again.
Anyways, have a look (and a chuckle).
Please be aware - I don't visit this site often and as I'm not the loquacious type (do you know any bus drivers who are ?) it could be a while before I reply to any comments.
Best regards,
I apologise if this is posted in the wrong section, but it didn't seem to fit anywhere else.
I thought a few people here might get a chuckle from my accumulation of round tuits that have come my ways over the last 25 years.
Most were saved from the side of the road as it always struck me as a waste to throw out PCs, so since the late 90's I've rescued what I could.
A few years back I got semi motivated and restored and sold roughly half of them on Ebay and Gumtree (~120) but my motivation since then has gone south . . . and for some reason, they keep accumulating and now there seem to be around 150 lurking in the garage and spare room . . . and the dining room and the lounge room.
The chuckle page is here:
The latest additions are a Sager NP 8560 (OEM branded Clevo) from ~2000 and 3 iMac G3's, all working.
The Sager has been well used - by co-incidence the previous owner is a semi-local who was tickled to find out the laptop was still alive and kicking.

The Bondi Blue iMac on the left is a September 1998 build so that was a bit of a find.

I doubt I'll ever get around to restoring what I have now, but at least my kids have the local skip bin supplier on speed dial.
Collecting tuits can be rather habit forming . . . and unfortunately I've been on a bit of a Windows 98 and XP laptop (and iMac G3) binge so far this year and that's added to the tuits.
Maybe when I stop working in a few years I'll get motivated again.
Anyways, have a look (and a chuckle).
Please be aware - I don't visit this site often and as I'm not the loquacious type (do you know any bus drivers who are ?) it could be a while before I reply to any comments.
Best regards,
Never see the stuff any more being put out to the road. Guess it depends on locale.
And: everything that lands at Salvation Army or Goodwill is nabbed by employees with a side hustle. Don't even see software nowadays. It's a desolate world.....
Yeah, it's only dribs'n'drabs now, unlike the glory days of the late 90's and early 2000's.
It's also interesting that peaks in cast-off tuits reflect the technology changes of the last 25+ years.
In the late 90s it was XTs, ATs and 386s that were being chucked - in the early 2000s 486s and early Pentiums - and from the late 2000s on the last of the Pentium IIs and IIIs and early IVs.
The late 90s was also a halycon time for school computer lab upgrades - 19 Mac Classics and SEs from a private college (it figures) and 15+ Acorns from a state school.
The early to mid 2000s was the era of the great CRT throw out as people upgraded to LCDs - I had so many CRTs that I had to hire a small truck to take 40+ to the tip as I'd run out of room in my garage and I figured it was better value to keep the towers rather than the monitors. Not so sure about that now.
But having said that, there's still some early stuff to be found. I picked up 3 white box PCs running w98 a few months back and they all work fine - they were from a tech college so I suspect they'd found a home with one of the staff and just sat in his garage for 20 years.
I also used to pick up quite a bit of stuff here in oz by advertising on Gumtree that I'd take any PC stuff that you were going to throw out, but I had to stop that as I was running out of room to store it - plus it was also a hassle driving for an hour to collect stuff that turned out to be either quite recent or completely beyond repair.
But still a potentially good source of freebies (just be prepared for lots of dross) and I've noticed quite a few ads on Gumtree lately by people doing the same thing - and then promptly reselling what they get (judging from their ads) but if that saves old PCs then so be it.
I've never found any PCs in local thrift shops here (Salvos and Vinnies) as they've always had a policy of not reselling PCs.
Our local council recycling centre (tip) has a shop where they sell second hand stuff, but no PCs as they all go to recyclers offshore. Pity.
I guess the bottom line is that there's still some good stuff to be found, but you have to put the effort in to find it and for me those days have pretty much gone - except for the Windows 98 and XP laptop binge (plus iMac G3s) I'm on at the moment.
It's been a hoot though.
Best regards,