Russian Translating site

I was this years old when I stumbled on this site:

Google used to be the schitz -but it sucks at it like an egg stealing dog - as it does with everything nowadays (remember when the google used to offer archived pages?).

So, some of the funky stuff I stumble onto has only Cyrillic text files - and those are in DOS code page.

IOW, I'm using Win10. I open the russian text in notepad, it looks like jibbersh, because it is. Google translate has no clue what I copy/paste. It also won't accept a *.txt file. Alrighty then, convert to *.doc. Nope! Only docx & pdf. WTF!

This site just did an excellent job for me. Offers several choices of translators - DeepL wouldn't handle a long text & Yandex did just fine.
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