[Request] MS Internet Locator Service Version 2.0

Before Windows 2000, you can run ILS 2 on NT 4 Server so that Netmeeting clients can connect to a private ILS server instead of Microsoft's public ones. So I'd like to run an ILS 2 Server in my intranet for in-house netmeeting retro fun.

Official Description here:

Too bad download link for ILS20x86.exe was not archived.


  • So after some research alot of info says ILS is part of Site Server 3 but I installed the entire beast and there was no installer for ILS what so ever. I tried Site Server 2 (which is here at winworldpc yah!) and bam.. there was ILS 2 install.. even has good documentation and booya.. got it working (reboot of NT 4 server required even if not asked to reboot) and netmeeting connected to it!!

    So cancel this request. winworldpc already has it as part of Site Server 2.
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