[Request] several 16-bit programs

If you could upload the following programs for Windows 3.11. that do not require win32s.

I need the most complete program for video editing similar to Adobe Premiere. in 16 bits.

The audio editing program with support for wav or mp3. more complete in 16 bits. most complete that has ever come out.

a photo editing program similar to Adobe Photoshop. if possible with similar options.

I need the Borland Delphi 1 in 16-bit portable format. I don't remember if 3 in 16 bits worked without win32s. If so, I would prefer Delphi 3.

also the borland c++ 4.5.2 in 16 bits portable. a zip with the program folder already installed.

I need a hexadecimal editor that has unicode support for Japanese and Chinese. with the possibility of changing unicodes with the files to be edited.


  • This is an interesting project!
    But not sure how realistic it is though? I'm happy to be proven wrong.

    If there was a best of bread video/audio/picture editing program on win3, I would bet it came with it's own hardware addon... and probably used some or all of win3's win32s features.

    I would be checking the magazines of the time on archive.
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