OFFER!!!... Sound Club 2.03 DOS-Win32 Once Commercial Fair Then Free Cool Sequencer>>>

This is a fast & easy sequencer with cool features like portamento, tempo changes on the fly & a piano roll where you see the other 'voices' as they are called. Step recording using QWERTY or painting notes in with mouse but also I use MIDI Keyboard thru Spacetoad using MIDI Matrix virtual MIDI Port>>>

A few issues one is that WAV recording is kinda busted... It'll just build-up a huge WAV of NOTHING till you stop it... So you can either record stereo mix or use virtual audio cable which is what I did (VAC)...

This will also save to S3M & MOD (3 different) tracker formats but, BUTT! These require an 8-bit, 22,050 KHZ or less sample rate which all the internal sounds qualify but bringing your own in is a different problem as reducing sample rates & bit rates causes NOISE to appear... However you can do audio sampling from scratch at 8-bit & 22,050 or less if you can find anything that will go that low these days, I don't have anything...

You could just use the internals as a starting point nice thing that way is that each voice has it's own track on export so bringing into say MadTracker then use VSTs on tracks makes pretty good...

In my initial captured riff I used VAC into GoldWave then trimmed it up, Brought into Cubase VST24 3.7 added some effects to just STEREO WAV, first two measures DRY the rest are WET- These are 16bit 44,100 Mono sounds I brought into Sound Club good for capture but NO GOOD for export to tracker module (doesn't work that way)...

One could, if really needed as crucial, capture each voice with others muted then do full-on multi-track of each voice with careful editing of course...

Have only tried the Win32 who knows maybe the render works like it should in the DOS version...

Fast & cool you could just use it for concepts or ideas as well...

You want the link that is below, the larger one, If you want the DOS look above as it's on another page & you will want the lower link on that one as well...

Amazingly enough it appears the site is still up in real life!!

But some of the Team look way too coked up!!!

BTW that image goes all the way back to January of 1998 so I'm sure the coke has ran out>>>


  • edited June 23
    This is a great little old app! :clap::hang_loose: Great find!
    Amazing the site is still up!

    Works fine in win10, needs to be installed as admin, as it installs the uninstaller in C:\windows, as in the standard for win95/NT.

    It is fun, the piano roll is strangely intuitive after figuring out the mouse controls.

    Selecting different instrument turns the notes to dark black, other instruments stay grey, would have been better to have used colors... there's no undo!!! and scroll wheel on the mouse doesn't work, it didn't exist back then.

    The samples sounds really good, the .mod exporting didn't work for me, I think a sample problem, but he .s3m was fine, loads up in open MPT and plays perfect, which can be used to export as midi ;)

    Hahahahaha, the image looks like the same guy, to me anyway.
    Also, back in the mid 90's, the only things I know that took images like that was a flat bed scanner :rofl:

    Importing waves via "replace instrument" worked fine, it automatically converted it to mono and 22khz, it kept it at 16bit which is interesting, but when exporting it to .s3m it was also converted to 8bit.

    WAV export worked fine on the sample tunes for me.

    Nice tune!
    I was wondering how you made the base note slide... Portamento... it's means slide!!! :blush:

    Attached is the help file converted into rtf format for easier reading.
  • edited June 23
    Yup, All same guy with some made-up positions as well... '3D Art?' where? Quite humorous though...

    You can make continuous slide by just selecting next area to slide-

    It may state it converts to 8bit so maybe it does it realtime any WAV that's 16bit you import is same when exporting back out... Also tried importing 16bit WAVs then make tune & export out as S3M/MOD (all 3) no good in any tracker all fubar only when I converted 16bit to 8bit at 22,050 (or less tried 11,025 work good too) then imported that resample into Sound Club THEN exporting test tune to all the formats then work in other trackers... Madtracker probably the best as well as SVArTracker every voice is then on a different track... openMPT worked but I never liked it... BeRoTracker worked but it's 'locked' into S3M format... MED SoundStudio worked oK probably easiest to continue work on as it has cool r-click menu on tracks for commands....

    That is why personally I suggest just making the damn tune using internal sounds then after importing into chosen tracker CHANGE them out to a higherQ sound...

    Sound Club woulda rocked if it had FX in it...

    Thanks for the RTF help...

    BTW... The last version of Psycle has piano roll in it (1.12)-

    BeRoTracker also has one, it's single note only (on stereo tracks)-

    FYI - on the capture on alonetone-

    First 2 measures DRY...
    2nd two using Audio Damage Ronin
    3rd two using Sugar Bytes WOW2
    4th two using UGO Metallurgy
  • The image is the same guy, but I think the team were real people.
    They also made 2 3D games.

    Thanks for the tut image on the slide notes.

    Strange, all the .s3m exports I have tried (the sample songs) work fine for me (openMTP and BeRoTracker) samples all exported in 8bit mono.

    Maybe some simple delay and reverb FX would have been nice, but I like it because it doesn't complicate things :i_dunno:

    I checked out Psycle (1.12.5)
    And it's looks horrible to me! the light mode helped a little, but I still couldn't figure out how to load a sample tune... where it even put them!

    I saw BeRoTracker last week from your VTSi link, I think I called it brotracker :blush:
    I liked it!

    How did you get the piano roll? I have this version:

    And I cant figure out how to put it on piano roll.

  • The versions are all pretty much the same except later one's like yours had themes injected with some visual differences...

    Those won't run right on my XP machines get crashy...

    I am using this version-

    You can't get this version anymore even on the wayback & apparently Mr Rosseaux is STILL looking for a Girlfriend!

    Anyway the reason you can't find the piano roll is that it's basically right in front of you where you would NOT look...

    It's at the bottom of the piano roll where you will draw in parameter curves too...

    Yeah, I don't really care for the Psycle workflow, piano roll or not... BeRoTracker more straightforward even BUZE is>>>
  • thanks for that, I would have never have found it! :rock_on:
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