MSDN - SDKs DDKs and Operating Systems - July 1994

Well-done archival, with product images.
Interesting to me is NT 3.1 dated June 1994, with i386, MIPS and Alpha binaries. I've not had time to verify the build,

Microsoft Developer Network - Development Platform (July 1994)
The CDs
CD Title
-- -----------------------
1 Setup, SDKs, and DDKs

This CD contains the Setup program, SDKs, DDKs, Windows NT
Service Packs for U.S. and Norwegian

2 Win32 SDK and Windows NT DDK
3 Windows NT Service Packs for International Versions

This CD contains the Windows NT Service Packs for Dutch,
French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish versions

4 Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11
5 Windows NT 3.1 (U.S.)
6 Windows NT 3.1 (French)
7 Windows NT 3.1 (German)
8 Windows NT 3.1 (Italian)
9 Windows NT 3.1 (Spanish)
10 Video for Windows Samples
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