Windows 10 x64, VirtualBox 7.08, and Win 3.11 VM - what is my problem?

Installed VB, mounted the VM - it boots fine. Went thru the steps to create a shared directory - NO DICE! That is, I did what I orter, but VirtualBox File Manager is grayed out for both panes, meaning I got nada.

Alrighty, some forum, someplace said needs VB additions. Got and installed VB Additions 7.00 beta3.

No change.

OK then, lets uninstall the whole sh!tshow, start over, work off the root of the physical HD, and see if that helps - no change.

Now, I already know it's me, it's something incredibly simple, and I want candy.


  • I'm confused as to what exactly you're trying to do. Last I checked, there are no guest additions for Win 3.x, so you can't use the shared folder function.
  • "I'm confused ..."

    "Installed VB, mounted the VM - it boots fine. Went thru the steps to create a shared directory - NO DICE! That is, I did what I orter, but VirtualBox File Manager is grayed out for both panes, meaning I got nada."

    In order for it to be useful to ME - I need some way to bring files into, and then back from the Win 3.11 VM.

    Never had an issue before - but then, I've never used VirtualBox on a Win10 x64 machine before.
  • Are you saying you have somehow gotten guest additions to work when using VirtualBox under a 32-bit OS before? That is what it sounds like.

    But the guest additions don't support 3.11 (the last time I checked they don't support 9x either, or anything besides Windows).

    What I have done in the past is use a FAT-16 formatted hard drive image as a "D" drive, that is common between the older OS VM and a VM with a newer OS.

    Do the newer versions support mounting a plain IMG file? Do any newer image utilities recognize Virtual Box's image formats? On the versions I have used, they make you jump through this bureaucratic nonsense to put image information in some database, and it only supported their own image format. It somehow makes it impossible to just copy a hard drive image to a new VM definition, it has to be "exported" and "imported" with their own bullshit tool.

    On any other emulator, I can just open the hard disk image in WinImage.

  • @SomeGuy .No. Additions did not work. Installed VB 7.08. Fired up a Win 3.11 .vhd downloaded from Ran just fine. Went thru the steps of creating a share. Did not work.

    Took a step back. Never used VB on a Win10, x64 machine, and it's been awhile since I used VirtualBox.

    Somewhere, read that VB additions was needed. So did that. Didn't work.

    I'm just claiming total ignorance here, and old age, and that I've got too many other irons in the fire, and have a Win 3x program I stumbled on that I wanted to check out and confirm quickly.

    Alas, "quickly: is not to be.

    When I get some time, I'll install VMWare, then try the .vhd in it.

    Truth be told, I've nothing but headache and headwinds with anything "old" I try to do inside Win10, so that's who I blame. In fact, I cannot get the most recent build of PCEM to even fire up on this Win10 machine.


    The program is "Printmaster Gold For Windows 1.0 - 3-1.44mb diskette set.
    WW doesn't have it, and other similar, but slightly later builds are 2 diskettes.

    Also, all archives here and elsewhere, have been used before, and when that is done, the 512 byte file "PMINST.DAT" on Disk 1 gets written to. (easily seen by hex editor, and the timestamp).

    With these images - that has not happened. Which would please me very much.

  • Well, at any rate:

    Guest Additions are for installation inside the "guest" virtual machine's operating system.

    Guest Additions do not support DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 9x/ME, or other early OSes. (A list of supported OSes is here: )

    Guest Additions provides things such as sharing files with the host with no need for networking, seamless mouse support, and an accelerated video driver.

    So to share files with Windows 3.x, you will have to find another way.

    Mounting floppy disk images should still work (have not tried current Virtual Box, correct me if this is not the case), if you have CD-ROM drivers loaded in the VM you can mount a CD ISO with files in it. If you can get networking configured (major headache), you may be able to access local network resources. Or, as mentioned use a shared FAT16 hard disk image as drive "D" shared with an XP or Windows 7 virtual machine.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for tools like WinImage that can open a virtualbox disk image?

    Virtual Box and VMWare are not great choices for running DOS or Windows 1, 2, 3x, 9x, ME, NT 3.x. PCEM, X86box, or QEMU seem to be preferred.

    Or just get some sleep.
  • yup to all the above.

    After the fireworks are over and my critters settle down, will go back to doing it the way I always have.

    And yeah, 7zip opens .VHD files easy peasy. Haven't tried to add to one....yet.
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