OFFER!!!... Corel Draw Suite 6.00.112 Portable Win32... Amazing Features for a 30 Year-Old Suite>>>
Well, Almost 30 years, From 1995 so next year, close enough...
Still quite usable nowadays has 4 EXE apps creates sandbox in it's own directory so should not present problems with the newer crappier OS, Works 100% in XP...
Has CorelDRAW for all the vector kinda stuff-

Plenty to do in that...
Plus Photo-Paint which is my favorite quite potent features also has Kai Krause Fractal Explorer (back when it was MetaTools) Don't know if it came with it naturally or someone crammed it in the portable when made...

There's Dream3D which is the very roots of Carrara, even has 3D PAINT!-

Then there's Motion3D where you can animate your 3D crap to new heights-

And you get all this without needing a 'subscription' or 'accessing the cloud' or any other such nonsense...
Pass is WinWorld
Still quite usable nowadays has 4 EXE apps creates sandbox in it's own directory so should not present problems with the newer crappier OS, Works 100% in XP...
Has CorelDRAW for all the vector kinda stuff-

Plenty to do in that...
Plus Photo-Paint which is my favorite quite potent features also has Kai Krause Fractal Explorer (back when it was MetaTools) Don't know if it came with it naturally or someone crammed it in the portable when made...

There's Dream3D which is the very roots of Carrara, even has 3D PAINT!-

Then there's Motion3D where you can animate your 3D crap to new heights-

And you get all this without needing a 'subscription' or 'accessing the cloud' or any other such nonsense...
Pass is WinWorld