Vintage Computing Festival Southeast 11.0

For those in the Atlanta area, the Vintage Computing Festival Southeast 11.0 is Friday July 19 - Sunday July 21, part of the Southern-Fried Gaming Expo at the Cobb Galleria Marriott Renaissance Waverly.

Friday – July 19th, 2024
(3:00pm – 8:00pm)
Saturday –July 20th, 2024
(10:00am – 8:00pm)
Sunday – July 21st, 2024
(10:00am – 3:00pm)

I haven't heard who the speakers will be this year, but there will be a lot of TI-99/4a stuff, an Apple Lisa documentary, and an exhibit of older landline telephones that people can actually use to make a call. (But heh, I have a proper landline telephone right here and no desire to use a lame cell phone).

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