Timonium Hamboree and Computer Fest Floppies Set
"Found in a stall by Josh Miller at the 2009 Timonium Hamboree and Computer Fest, this batch of floppies were for sale as a set - they include Windows and DOS programs, as well as a set of photos called "Nice Photos". The disks were imaged using Winimage from the 3.5" floppies, and then converted to .ZIP files from the generated .IMA files. (A number of disks had problematic reads, and were simply extracted from for the files.)"
It's a bunch (506Mb), I'll give it that. Good for browsing while waiting for your favorite ball game to start...

"Found in a stall by Josh Miller at the 2009 Timonium Hamboree and Computer Fest, this batch of floppies were for sale as a set - they include Windows and DOS programs, as well as a set of photos called "Nice Photos". The disks were imaged using Winimage from the 3.5" floppies, and then converted to .ZIP files from the generated .IMA files. (A number of disks had problematic reads, and were simply extracted from for the files.)"
It's a bunch (506Mb), I'll give it that. Good for browsing while waiting for your favorite ball game to start...