Stacker 4.1 for Windows 95 4.1 for Windows 95 4.1/?id=18440
STAC Electronics Inc.
Date: September 30, 1995
Media: 3 - 1.44 Diskette image files
- Found on a warez CD - no product images, etc.
- On first install, setup records user info to STACKER.COM
- Stacker 4.1 main diff from 4.0, is LFN (Long File Name) compatibility.
Here, read:
"IN TIME FOR THE Windows 95 launch, Stac Electronics Inc. will release this week a Windows 95-compatible version of Stacker, its data compression product, that supports the operating system's long file and folder names and APIs.
"Existing versions of Stacker that do not support long file names will not be compatible with Windows 95, and Stac warns that users who use older versions risk losing the long file names of compressed files and the contents of Windows...
"Version 4.0 was faster, squeezed out better compression ratios, ate less memory, handled bigger drives, and supplied better, easier-to-use tools than Microsoft Corps DoubleSpace or DriveSpace. So no one looked forward more than I did to a Stacker release for Windows 95.
"Judging from news groups on the Internet, however, there are plenty of disappointed folks. In spite of Stacker 4.1's superior compression ratios, its performance is much slower than DriveSpace's.
"Version 4.1, which also runs under Windows 3.x, is a 16-bit program that uses DOS real-mode compression.
"To cope with Win95's long file names, Stacker relies on a secondary executable, SAVELFN.EXE, which works automatically with the Stacker tools, for instance, Defragment and Uncompress, to preserve long file names."

STAC Electronics Inc.
Date: September 30, 1995
Media: 3 - 1.44 Diskette image files
- Found on a warez CD - no product images, etc.
- On first install, setup records user info to STACKER.COM
- Stacker 4.1 main diff from 4.0, is LFN (Long File Name) compatibility.
Here, read:
"IN TIME FOR THE Windows 95 launch, Stac Electronics Inc. will release this week a Windows 95-compatible version of Stacker, its data compression product, that supports the operating system's long file and folder names and APIs.
"Existing versions of Stacker that do not support long file names will not be compatible with Windows 95, and Stac warns that users who use older versions risk losing the long file names of compressed files and the contents of Windows...
"Version 4.0 was faster, squeezed out better compression ratios, ate less memory, handled bigger drives, and supplied better, easier-to-use tools than Microsoft Corps DoubleSpace or DriveSpace. So no one looked forward more than I did to a Stacker release for Windows 95.
"Judging from news groups on the Internet, however, there are plenty of disappointed folks. In spite of Stacker 4.1's superior compression ratios, its performance is much slower than DriveSpace's.
"Version 4.1, which also runs under Windows 3.x, is a 16-bit program that uses DOS real-mode compression.
"To cope with Win95's long file names, Stacker relies on a secondary executable, SAVELFN.EXE, which works automatically with the Stacker tools, for instance, Defragment and Uncompress, to preserve long file names."