Jingle Disk
It's that time of year. The days are now beginning to slowly get longer and people celebrate by putting up strings of lights you can see from orbit.

For us WinWorld folks, here is a redump of the classic "Jingle" disk computer greeting card.
This is the 1986 release, and this dump now contains both the IBM PC version and the Apple II version on the flip side. This release is not copy protected.
The earlier 1985 release (we don't have this one yet) was for C64 and Apple II, and was copy protected.
The Jingle Disk was a fun stocking stuffer for computer geeks in 1986. It features a small animated greeting, and the ability to print a couple of greeting cards.
WARNING: Contains repetitive bleeping Crapmass music.

Looking back on 2024, I see about 200 files that have been added or updated on Winworld this year. Not as much as I would have liked to get done, but there were some good additions.
This IPFS links have disappeared, almost none of them were working anyway, but I have gone through and made sure all downloads are available on both mirrors now.
I wish I had more time to do more software spotlights. Really, this year has been very lousy, and next year is looking like a pile of shit already.
Hopefully everyone can at least take a minute to kick their feet up. Don't blink or you might miss the weird fat man shoving cell phones down chimneys.
Happy holly daze from WinWorldPC.

For us WinWorld folks, here is a redump of the classic "Jingle" disk computer greeting card.
This is the 1986 release, and this dump now contains both the IBM PC version and the Apple II version on the flip side. This release is not copy protected.
The earlier 1985 release (we don't have this one yet) was for C64 and Apple II, and was copy protected.
The Jingle Disk was a fun stocking stuffer for computer geeks in 1986. It features a small animated greeting, and the ability to print a couple of greeting cards.
WARNING: Contains repetitive bleeping Crapmass music.

Looking back on 2024, I see about 200 files that have been added or updated on Winworld this year. Not as much as I would have liked to get done, but there were some good additions.
This IPFS links have disappeared, almost none of them were working anyway, but I have gone through and made sure all downloads are available on both mirrors now.
I wish I had more time to do more software spotlights. Really, this year has been very lousy, and next year is looking like a pile of shit already.
Hopefully everyone can at least take a minute to kick their feet up. Don't blink or you might miss the weird fat man shoving cell phones down chimneys.
Happy holly daze from WinWorldPC.

The very best of the Holiday season to you and yours. Thank you for keeping the WinWorld archives sorted, for your even and fair comments, and all the behind the scene work.
And while I'm at it - thanks also to the folks that keep the server alive.