[Offer] hDC ClickStart v1.2 (Windows 1 APP)

Hello, and best regards from Omsk, Russia!
I've seen someone has been looking for this for ages :)


  • Very nice. Where did you find this? Do you have the original disk for this? If so, then could you also provide a disk image, created with something like ImageDisk, Disk2Img, or WinImage, as well as a photo or scan of the disk label?

    If this was from an old warez collection, when which one and where? It might be worth digging in to for other possible gems.

  • Unfortunately there are no original disks, I've found the software on some Russian warez BBS several years ago, and only now discovered there are some Windows 1.x apps there! I'll try to contact the SysOp, as I'm afraid this ancient BBS is down for a while.
  • I have confirmed that these files are the same versions (Version 1.2) that were on the previously offered damaged disk dump. So I will repair that image using these files and get that posted.
  • edited January 13
    That's very, very nice! BTW, I have reread the original thread about hDC ClickStart and have a question: have you finally managed to get an original documentation of this program that came with the disk?
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