[Offer] Visual C/C++ 1.0 C Runtime Sourcecode (2 x 1.44 floppies)

How does one go about adding them to the Visual C/C++ 1.0 downloads page, if anyone is interested?
But I'm not sure if they were already included in the Visual C/C++ 1.0 disk set or not.

(Bleah, last year i threw out four packed shoeboxes full of old MSFT software - mainly 5.25 floppies, diskimages of probably just about everything they made between 1989-1996. This is one of the very few survivors. Ah well, most of old 5.25 floppies had probably gone bad, and it looks like you folks already have just about everything anyway)


  • WinWorldPc Admin will add to them download page. You have to them upload file sharing site. Post link of file sharing site you upload file.
  • I'll see about putting them on some file sharing site, if anyone expresses interest.
    Btw, Visual C/C++ 1.0 is also known as C 8, i think.
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