[Offer] Quarterdeck Desq 1.2 for DEC Rainbow [5.25, RX50]

Quarterdeck Desq 1.2 for DEC Rainbow [5.25, RX50]

This is a very rare version of Desq, I didn't know they released it for the DEC Rainbow.

Floppy images are in SCP and IMG format. Disks are in 5.25" RX-50 format.

Scan of documentation will follow.



  • I did not know Quarterdeck made Desiview for DEC Rainbow.
  • Thanks for grabbing this one.
  • Say, is the "Agent" disk intended to be a work disk? The dump of this disk is completely blank, and that is the only explanation I can think of.
  • Bad news. No it’s supposed ton contain preconfigured agents for running some popular programs. Fortunately you don’t have to have them and you can easily create agents using the software. Each file contains some basic information such as the name of the program, the dos command to load the program and the memory to be allocated, if it uses mouse, graphics, etc.
    The manual explains how to create agents if your software is the in the agent library.
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