QNX 6.x

QNX is a compact Unix-like real-time operating system that was originally designed for the IBM PC and later used in embedded devices. The versions here are for IBM PC compatibles.
QNX is a compact Unix-like real-time operating system that was originally designed for the IBM PC and later used in embedded devices. The versions here are for IBM PC compatibles.
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How it does work:
Upload to a file hosting site like Mega, or archive.org.
Make a new post to Winworld forums under the Software forum, with link and description.
Winworld "staff" consists basically of @SomeGuy , who has a real life. When he has time, and can verify your upload and its value to Winworld, then it will get added.
Meanwhile, since you posted the link, as described above, others can download, inspect/use/verify/comment, etc.
An example of how to do the above is here: