Truevision TARGA+ software suite (TIPS, VideoMaker, TypeRight) from 1993

Truevision TARGA boards were important graphics cards in the 80s and early 90s on PC and the origin of the .TGA file type. From what I understand, they were used for TV resolution true color graphics.

I have just started to work on preserving this software suite. I believe it is DOS software but makes reference to Windows as well. It may actually be Windows software - the macOS "file" command is reporting the install.exe are MS-DOS executables though. I have not tried running them yet.

Right now I was going to upload the manuals separately when I get a chance to scan them.

Any advice on best practices here? So far I have copied the files off the disks as well as made images of the floppies.


  • I just wanted to thank you. I saw it at the archive, it's an important bit of computer graphics history.
  • Glad to help! Should be able to scan the documentation this week.
  • Ran into an issue scanning the first manual. The scanner seemed to be confused by the spiral binding for some reason. May try one page at a time.
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