sound went bye bye....

edited September 2004 in Software
Well for some strange reason, I don't have sound anymore in windows 2000 on my mini. Can anyone tell me why it says I have no active mixer and why the sound chip isn't detected anymore? It's an intel 810E chipset... so if the sound stopped wouldn't everything else stop with it? Do I need to restart my precious mini and end my 23 day uptime?


  • I can't help but I can tell you that the sound can stop and
    everything else still works. I got one like that. The sound
    went out about the fourth month and it's still working now
    about two and a half years later.
  • but... I need my sound... my mini needs to play sound

    ah crap... smc.exe has generated errors and will be closed by windows... I think windows is falling apart.
  • sumtimes this happens in windows XP on my laptop, just restart one of the services i cant remember which one tho....
  • I just logged out then back in again, all problems fixed, probably just freed a few megs of ram too. Maybe I should log out weekly...
  • sound went bye bye, thats never happened to me, usually that happens with money for me.
  • Sound in and for Windows seems to be a fickle feind to me...

  • heh... alright.... what's wrong for you Q?
  • I just don't use sound in Windows, because I know that if and when I try it wont work, as I've been taught by experience.

  • I don't know if this is quite accurate, but I've noticed that once you start running VERY low on memory, Windows starts to act very badly -- sound could quite possibly give out if your system needs to allocate a larger hunk of memory for a second or two in order to play sound.

    Just an idea.
  • Somehow I don't think that's my problem.

  • moxt of my sounds problems probably come from me generally treating my laptop like shit
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