Speaking of WinWorld 5... The new query to make tophers old posts not screw us up have messed up the whole forum being on the main page thing... So Ive fallen to like 20% done :-|
Speaking of WinWorld 5... The new query to make tophers old posts not screw us up have messed up the whole forum being on the main page thing... So Ive fallen to like 20% done :-|
Speaking of WinWorld 5... The new query to make tophers old posts not screw us up have messed up the whole forum being on the main page thing... So Ive fallen to like 20% done :-|
wow u fucked up ww5 just for me. thanks
I think I just need to change THAT things query to the one that were using now... I hope its as easy as that lol
Well I'm glad that Fish took over, I wasn't sure if Ian's EVER finish it.
PS. Then again, there's no guarantee that Fish will either...
Boooooring pooooost . Don't read unless you're interested about why the WinWorld beta was delayed.
Q... :( If only you had the tiniest inkling over how much trouble it is to make that site. I had to rewrite it at least 4 times and apply the changes to each page (very tedious). If only I knew how to write in PHP then I wouldn't have to use redundant copy & paste to all pages for the side panels (had to do that again when I used the topics anywhere mod).
I had to shelve some features (or left incomplete due to lack of cooperation) like:
1. CSS changer that lets you choose different themes for WinWorld. (shelved)
2. tooltip for download links with description of the product and download time estimation (incomplete)
And then there was the idea about making WinWorld in different languages which led me to do another rewrite of the code since I had to move all the folders with files that are common to the root directory. Edit all the links in every file to point to those common files. Then having to replace those other languages into the files under /en, /de, etc.
It was at such point I thought this coding has become badly done. When I hand over the files, how will the admins manage the website? It's not as simple as the current WinWorld site. Also, I had to warn you guys never use View Source to edit the files or the PHP code will be lost. (page/time generation)
It's mainly because I had to check all the code in each file, making sure it's clearly typed and organized with commenting so the next person can easily navigate the code and edit it. Also getting stressed over complying with W3C standard that had made me tired and delays the release. After all this, WinWorld was pretty much ready to launch except for the download section.
I thought it would be great to have better info about each downloads such as file size, file type, download link (as an icon, intended to have more icons for each multiple download site to lessen traffic load, differently coloured to represent internal and external hosting of the file), and then later added the idea for a tooltip which describes what the download is (and even later the estimate download time for 56K, 512K, 1MB lines, though now I think about it, it's useless since the download rate isn't maxed)
Oh, a big reason for the delay was also that I lost motivation to work on the project since I felt nobody else cared to help me with this. I got the motivation again later when I saw that other people were willing to dedicate some of their time to translate WinWorld into their own language.
Well, I guess I can take relief with Q saying that he's glad Fish has taken over. That means I can wipe my hands clean of obligation to code the website. But I make the suggestion that other people help with the code. It's too much work for just one person. I'm sure plenty of people can code much better than me. I just know some HTML and a bit of Javascript that's about it.
Hmm, someone mentioned about logging into WinBoards via the WinWorld website. It should be possible and I had also thought about it but I dunno how to implement it. Although it's easier done via phpBB portal add-on or to just modify phpBB itself (but Fish doesn't like that because add-ons can be cumbersome and cause problems to the overall phpBB. oh yeah, he also says he doesn't like portals ) This leads to back to earlier when I said I wish I knew how to code in PHP. I think it would be great if WinWorld can be fully interactive. Users can log in, reply to news, post tutorial articles they've written, pretty much in real time. Take a look at this for example: http://www.mx-system.com
By the way, what has Fish done since I handed the files over? I don't see any changes. The news is still stuck in July. I'm not sure if the download links have been changed. I hope you can manage and ask Tomchu for help whenever possible.
Ive changed the download links to working servers, and am slowly writing the info for the tooltips and the download times. I got the PHP fixed (thanks to Tom), fixed some CSS problems, added a few download sizes...
Lately I just havent had much time to work on it, its VERY time consuming and I have been doing other things.
No I don't know how hard it is/was, but you sortof slowly disappeared (I know, I know, I have other commitments too @ times), and I got concerned. Fish, however is one less likely to evaporate.
graceful Old World ruminant with long legs and horns directed upward and backward; includes gazelles; springboks; impalas; addax; gerenuks; blackbucks; dik-diks www.cogsci.princeton.edu/cgi-bin/webwn
I think the site is pretty much functional, Fish and whoever else updates the site can handle it. If I can learn PHP (probably take a long time for me) then I can improve on the code.
There are some things I wanted to do to make the website better but I don't know how yet:
1. Make it so it's like the forum's textbox when you post new news entries (easier than having to edit the source code)
2. Use variables to hold values for different languages and script used in just one file instead of using multiple files (which is a problem at the moment, very time consuming to copy and paste into other files)
3. A way for users to interact by replying to news entries, submit tutorials which can be accessed by others, possibly auto-login when visiting the site. This part probably works best by modifying phpBB some way? I'm not sure. I'll have to experiment with such things in the future.
It would be a lot nicer if everyone could participate in developing the website. Making suggestions, opinions, contributions, etc.
I'll try to come here more and sorry Q that I went absent. I didn't use Trillian these days.
*goes back to updating own site*
wow u fucked up ww5 just for me. thanks
I think I just need to change THAT things query to the one that were using now... I hope its as easy as that lol
Boooooring pooooost
Q... :( If only you had the tiniest inkling over how much trouble it is to make that site. I had to rewrite it at least 4 times and apply the changes to each page (very tedious). If only I knew how to write in PHP then I wouldn't have to use redundant copy & paste to all pages for the side panels (had to do that again when I used the topics anywhere mod).
I had to shelve some features (or left incomplete due to lack of cooperation) like:
1. CSS changer that lets you choose different themes for WinWorld. (shelved)
2. tooltip for download links with description of the product and download time estimation (incomplete)
And then there was the idea about making WinWorld in different languages which led me to do another rewrite of the code since I had to move all the folders with files that are common to the root directory. Edit all the links in every file to point to those common files. Then having to replace those other languages into the files under /en, /de, etc.
It was at such point I thought this coding has become badly done. When I hand over the files, how will the admins manage the website? It's not as simple as the current WinWorld site. Also, I had to warn you guys never use View Source to edit the files or the PHP code will be lost. (page/time generation)
It's mainly because I had to check all the code in each file, making sure it's clearly typed and organized with commenting so the next person can easily navigate the code and edit it. Also getting stressed over complying with W3C standard that had made me tired and delays the release. After all this, WinWorld was pretty much ready to launch except for the download section.
I thought it would be great to have better info about each downloads such as file size, file type, download link (as an icon, intended to have more icons for each multiple download site to lessen traffic load, differently coloured to represent internal and external hosting of the file), and then later added the idea for a tooltip which describes what the download is (and even later the estimate download time for 56K, 512K, 1MB lines, though now I think about it, it's useless since the download rate isn't maxed)
Oh, a big reason for the delay was also that I lost motivation to work on the project since I felt nobody else cared to help me with this. I got the motivation again later when I saw that other people were willing to dedicate some of their time to translate WinWorld into their own language.
Well, I guess I can take relief with Q saying that he's glad Fish has taken over. That means I can wipe my hands clean of obligation to code the website. But I make the suggestion that other people help with the code. It's too much work for just one person. I'm sure plenty of people can code much better than me. I just know some HTML and a bit of Javascript that's about it.
Hmm, someone mentioned about logging into WinBoards via the WinWorld website. It should be possible and I had also thought about it but I dunno how to implement it. Although it's easier done via phpBB portal add-on or to just modify phpBB itself (but Fish doesn't like that because add-ons can be cumbersome and cause problems to the overall phpBB. oh yeah, he also says he doesn't like portals
By the way, what has Fish done since I handed the files over? I don't see any changes. The news is still stuck in July. I'm not sure if the download links have been changed. I hope you can manage and ask Tomchu for help whenever possible.
Lately I just havent had much time to work on it, its VERY time consuming and I have been doing other things.
whose Ian? was he a member at one time? or something?
and dont tell me the person who just posted because I know that.
he was a member a while ago, still is, and he started and worked on ww5.
I dunno why he dont post anymore, probly has a life.
There are some things I wanted to do to make the website better but I don't know how yet:
1. Make it so it's like the forum's textbox when you post new news entries (easier than having to edit the source code)
2. Use variables to hold values for different languages and script used in just one file instead of using multiple files (which is a problem at the moment, very time consuming to copy and paste into other files)
3. A way for users to interact by replying to news entries, submit tutorials which can be accessed by others, possibly auto-login when visiting the site. This part probably works best by modifying phpBB some way? I'm not sure. I'll have to experiment with such things in the future.
It would be a lot nicer if everyone could participate in developing the website. Making suggestions, opinions, contributions, etc.
I'll try to come here more and sorry Q that I went absent. I didn't use Trillian these days.
PS. Then you might want to edit your sig