I installed XP on my Celeron 433
Holy cow, I had forgotten how much I like XP. I just installed it on my 433 celeron and it runs great. I think I have everything up to speed now installing all my stuff and whatnot. Man it's good to use XP again.
Go to Run, services.msc
Then stop and disable the ones you dont need...
That tells you whats safe to stop... It makes Windows run much faster.
XP is the greatest OS on Earth.
2003's better...
Anyway I think it will worke worse than ever.
Thats because your a linux zealot whos afraid to use linux
It IS complete utter crap. The only good distro would be SuSE because its SORT OF professionally developed... But it will still never stand up to Windows. Slash just likes to try making everyone get rid of XP because he has a bad computer.
Exactly. Right now, Windows XP SP2 is probably the most secure, stable, fast OS on the market, especially with the firewall blocking worms
Richard (Beginning to see the light of firefox)
Firefox > *
Except the default theme SUCKS, I dont know why they stopped using Qute as it.... I always set mine back to Qute, get the AdBlock extension, and User Agent Switcher (so I can pretend to have IE on sites that want it
Haha, that was a joke. Actually, XP never was a secure OS. It can be easier to use, sometimes it can be EVEN fast, but it will NEVER be secure! I can hack my admin's password @ school in a few seconds!! SO YOU THINK IT'S SECURE? MY A$$!!!
that doesnt have much to do with XP, thats the person who set up the computer in the first place
Slash I dont see what you find good about Linux. It is utter rubbish and runs hardly any of the programs out there. On viewing the hard drive contents after installing redhat on a test pc it was a mess. Oh and you think Linux is secure against windows. The reason we dont hear anything about Linux hacks/viruses is hardly anyone uses it to give a flying hoot about it.
So give up using that rubbishy OS and admit defeat and start using XP as thats the way forward.
Anyway how do you go about overclocking a CPU as i have a pentium 2 running at 400 MHZ. It has this Speedeasy CPU thingamy in the bios settings that allowes selections of different speeds but it doesnt appear to overclock it.
Raise the FSB some, change the multiplier, or if yours (like mine) has a MHz selection, just change that LOL. Then it runs faster than its supposed to... as long as it doesnt get too hot its fine.
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