Need this driver!
Yes, I need this driver or I will not be able to use my sound card.
I am running Windows 98 and this driver is not included. Can someone help me out? The driver I need is (as listed on Millenium Edition):
Creative AudioPCI (ES1370), SB PCI 64/128 (WDM)
Windows 98 doesn't have the driver I need.
I am running Windows 98 and this driver is not included. Can someone help me out? The driver I need is (as listed on Millenium Edition):
Creative AudioPCI (ES1370), SB PCI 64/128 (WDM)
Windows 98 doesn't have the driver I need.
User: drivers
Pass: all
Anyway, thanx, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't use BeOS R4 (He could surprise me though).