Major Yellow Dog Linux Help Needed

edited January 2005 in Software
OK, so I managed to get FTP and HTTP working. But, there are a few security problems, and problems in general I need help with. I also want this to be as secure as possible, so any tips are appreciated. These are the 3 things I noticed and need fixed soon.

1. How do I get httpd and vsftpd start automaticly on boot/login?

2. How do I make a user account have administrative access?

3. I noticed that if user clicks around in a FTP client they can get to the rootof the system and download whatever, I want to stop this so they only have access to their directory.

Right After Login To FTP:


Then clicking on the in the left panel results in:


Directions can be either how to do it in command line or KDE since both are available. I'll more than likely find other glitches in a while, and when I do they'll be posted here,



  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • i dont think linux has the wheel group LMAO
  • wtfisitwitheverybodylatelyq6xl.png

    I'll let you come up with your own disparaging remark about your knowledge.

  • Toph wrote:
    i dont think linux has the wheel group LMAO
    uh yes becuase when i install gentoo every time i do, i have to make the standard username i use belong to the wheel group or i wont get root access to do make install when i compile apps or emerge programs.
  • OK, anyone who gives any directions, make them for a total Linux n00b.

    Anyways, I added the line to
    chroot_local_user=yes to the vsftpd.conf, but I can still browse outside of the home directory. Yes, I did stop and restart the service.

  • hmmm, why am i remembering no wheel group when i used linux?
  • I don't know, but it's there in SME, which incedentally is getting an update!

  • New problem:

    How do I mount, format, etc. a new hard drive? I'm going to have a public FTP, and I want to put it on the 2nd hard drive, and leave HTTP on the 1st.


    EDIT: Another problem. I want to boot YDL without starting X/KDE since it's a RAM hog, which I cannot seem to do. Any ideas?
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  • It's not my doing (Or maybe it is, back when I 1st set this thing up I remember screwing around alot.).


    PS. JaS, I'm installing the new beta in VMware, I'll see what it's got going on.
  • Duff wrote:
    How do I mount, format, etc. a new hard drive? I'm going to have a public FTP, and I want to put it on the 2nd hard drive, and leave HTTP on the 1st.
    - Put in the new HD
    - Assuming it's primary slave: mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb1
    - Mount the HD wherever you want the ftp user's home: mount /dev/hdb1 /home/ftpuser or whatever you called the user.
    - To automount, check the init scripts, I'm not sure how YDL does it.
    Duff wrote:
    EDIT: Another problem. I want to boot YDL without starting X/KDE since it's a RAM hog, which I cannot seem to do. Any ideas?
    - Edit /etc/inittab and change id:5:initdefault or similar to id:3:initdefault
  • Duff wrote:
    EDIT: Another problem. I want to boot YDL without starting X/KDE since it's a RAM hog, which I cannot seem to do. Any ideas?
    - Edit /etc/inittab and change id:5:initdefault or similar to id:3:initdefault[/quote]

    Thanks, that worked perfectly, now X/KDE isn't hogging all the RAM. Lets say I want to start X, what command do I use to open/close X?
    I decided not to bother with the 2nd HD for now, since I want to keep things simple.


    EDIT: Linux sucks. I have KDE closed and not touching the server, and everytime I simply reload the phpSysInfo page, another MB or so of RAM gets used. I doubt this is simply it processing the PHP.
  • i think startx or startkde may work
  • Use startx.
  • or you cou.d get a logon box with


    then you can select all your display managers you have on there...
  • Well, he deosn't want X running at all.
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