Pursuade me to use an OS for a.........
..........workstation with server applications.
Here are the specs:
Intel P3 500 mhz
640 MB of Ram
12 gb and 20 gb hd
64 mb ge force 4 mx 420 pci graphics
2 network cards
4*2*16 cd-rw drive
You have until Friday Morning to pursue me to use a certain OS on this box.
I want reasons on why i should use that OS, instead of another.
This should prove to be interesting, and dont ask why i am not logged in right now,
[Edit by Q: Fixed title misspelling @ his request]
[Edit by Q: Fixed bad fix]
Here are the specs:
Intel P3 500 mhz
640 MB of Ram
12 gb and 20 gb hd
64 mb ge force 4 mx 420 pci graphics
2 network cards
4*2*16 cd-rw drive
You have until Friday Morning to pursue me to use a certain OS on this box.
I want reasons on why i should use that OS, instead of another.
This should prove to be interesting, and dont ask why i am not logged in right now,
[Edit by Q: Fixed title misspelling @ his request]
[Edit by Q: Fixed bad fix]
an always on workstation running server applications such as apache and mysql, and running perl, and bridging a network connections.
XP and up can bridge connections.
Windows 2003 is the only best choice.
YOu might want to read the readme first, and it runs under windows too...
Well, it can, but it'll require a little work
>>Whatever Hacked said
I want this, because I use AIM and my perl bot on that machine, and posibaly some other stuff, when i am trying to do two things at once that require two machines.
But I didn't understand... Are you intended to run a server or that machine? What server applications? I think XP might be the best, cuz 2003 has a lot of server administration stuff, performance stuff and so on... you may not need it for such a small server.
http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/url.cgi?port ... /pkg-descr
A) Windows 2000
C) Windows 2003 Server
Which do you recommend?
Stable OS + Network bridging = Windows 2003.
Thus, go install 2003. :-)
PS. Little less attitude there Steve, "plskthx".
Go 2000.
Just buy a switch or something instead of network bridging.
And No, Windows 2000 does not have Network Bridge support.
[Edit by Q: Merge double post]
Aye, but my server-to-be has 3 network cards in it, and i might as well use that instead of buying a switch to connect all the machines with.
I cant figuer out what ports to foward for an FTP server on port 21. I fowarded 21, but it still doesnt seem to work.
Any ideas?