what the hell ill give it a try. whats THE WORST that could happen, now im downing filezilla. im assuming when i set it up i use port 21 or something but how do i set it up with an IP cause on dialup that liike changes each time you connect doesnt it???
You know how my svr is wwsvr.bounceme.net? Well whenever Comcast deigns to change my IP (Rarely), I just go to www.bounceme.net (No-IP), and tell them that my new IP is 68.x.x.x and they adjust wwsvr.bounceme.net so it points there now. It happens really rarely for me so I do it manually, but since dialup IPs change way to often, you'd probably be better off using the No-IP update app that they let you download if you want.
you cant have everything in life..... I believe filezille uses port 21 automaticaly.... so you really should have to set up any ports. just some users, passwords if you want, and what directory for your ftp. everything is pretty easy to use
because IE has been around so long, and most IT dept believe in it "security" and also non conflicts to other software programs... Plus IE is user friendly..think about it, how long did you use IE before moving onto another browser, on my one computer at home I still use IE that is because I dont feel like teaching everyone there how to use something else
people use IE because they dont know about other browsers. think about it, whats the point of using something else if what you're using is already there?
Assuming you have a good comp, yea but it wont be NEAR as usefull as one on a broadband/always on.
but these are the specs
P3 866mhz
256mb ram
20gb hardrive
256mb sound card
creative live audio card
windows xp home
I'm thinking there is other ways.
Q care to explain what No-IP/DynDNS/Other Dynamic DNS , and where do i get this thing
and I used to have a BBS
PS. Hows OpNetwk coming?
A small part of OpenNetwork is restored! I've chosen another admin!
Well they dont want people messing up the computer... or installing things on them.... I honestly can not blame them for doing that.
Problem solved.
Speaking of IE in a library. guess what? The Burlington Country Central Library uses Ffx! I found out looking thought the card catalog!