which ones don't work?

edited February 2005 in Software
I heard that some of the nt downloads didn't work for anyone but one of the other files has something that fixes that or something,

What is going on? which files don't work and which ones do I download to get the fix or the missing file or something?
Ipad accessories


  • They all work. However, 3.1 and 3.5 require a small patch to the setup files, otherwise they'll bomb out on anything newer than a Pentium complaining about a wrong processor type. Also, some versions of NT 3.1 didn't have some SCSI drivers, and so they were modified to include those drivers. Also, one copy was missing MUSRMGR.IN_, and that was replaced with either the one from AS or 3.5.
  • edited February 2011
    ok thanks
    Box Vaporizers
  • The NT 3.1 with the missing SCSI drivers has been replaced with the real ISO with all the files. The AS is still just the i386 directory, however it has all the SCSI drivers (It was used to "patch" the older NT 3.1 WS). It was however missing the afrementioned MUSRMGR.IN_ file, the hybrid version uses the NT 3.5 one.

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