* No runtime royalties
* Source code is available (and free) %
* It's not from Microsoft
* Linux has excellent networking support
* There are more drivers and tools available
* Lots of programmers are familiar with Linux
* Linux is more robust/reliable
this should go in the fighting thread
I am not commenting about it's partition table, for reasons which I have experienced...
I agree with most of it expect for the robost comment (coming from a linux/bsd/solaris/wannatryopenvms user) it is slow, but then X IS OLD! The entire window system needs to be redone, revamped, and set up for the future.
Uhh ... that means no one is getting paid, so there's no garentee with the quality.
Companies who make operating systems make MONEY. That's what they do. An OS just like any other program, or game. People who make it get PAID.
And BSD's isn't?
How is that a GOOD thing. Give me a GOOD reason not to use MS products. And don't something retarded that turning back the clock to get Photoshop to work fucks up Outlook.
Uhhh ... No it doesn't.
Uhhh ... NO there ISN'T. *ALL* hardmade made are DESIGNED to work with WINDOWS. WHAT MAKES UP 90% OF THE OS WORLD. DUMBFUCK!.
And Linux drivers are *SHIT* that mostly require hacks and patches to work.
Uhhh ... And not Windows?
LOL Like fuck it is. It's just a hackjob kernel.
I've had it with you. You really need to fuck off now.
Fucking JewOS.
When you left, you shouldn't have come back.
Now, obviously you're not referring to Linux -- which is just a kernel, but GNU/Linux, which will come in handy later
1.) *BSDs source code is free and available too.. But source code availability doesn't equal to good code..
2.) Who cares if something is from Microsoft you ingorant fucking retard? The NT-line happens to be damn fine.
3.) Linux largely uses BSDs network system
4.) Linux drivers suck, sound & video. Especially ATI.
5.) Even more programmers are exprienced with Windows -- you can tell this by the amount of applications and games for it
6.) Linux reliable? my ass. Linux is one of the most unstable things I've ever used. -Especially- when you stick X on it.
Reaons why you should not love Linux:
2005-05-02: Linux Kernel Elf Binary Loading Local Denial of Service Vulnerability
2005-05-02: Linux Kernel EXT2 File System Information Leak Vulnerability
2005-05-02: Linux Kernel Bluetooth Signed Buffer Index Vulnerability
2005-05-02: Linux Kernel Multiple Unspecified ISO9660 Filesystem Handling Vulnerabilities
2005-05-02: Linux Kernel PPP Driver Unspecified Remote Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2005-05-02: Linux Kernel SYS_EPoll_Wait Local Integer Overflow Vulnerability
2005-05-02: Linux Kernel it87 and via686a Drivers Insecure File Creation Denial of Service Vulnerability
2005-04-29: Linux Kernel Vicam USB Driver Userspace/Kernel Memory Copying Weakness
2005-04-29: Linux Kernel Multiple Vulnerabilities
2005-04-29: Linux Kernel Unw_Unwind_To_User Local Denial of Service Vulnerability
2005-04-29: Linux Kernel BINFMT_ELF Loader Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities
2005-04-29: Linux Kernel PROC Filesystem Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability
2005-04-29: Linux Kernel TIOCSETD Terminal Subsystem Race Condition Vulnerability
2005-04-29: Linux Kernel Terminal Locking Race Condition Vulnerability
2005-04-29: Linux Kernel EXT3 File System Information Leakage Vulnerability
2005-04-29: Linux Kernel Itanium System Call Local Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2005-04-19: Linux Kernel Fib_Seq_Start Local Denial of Service Vulnerability
2005-04-19: Linux Kernel SYSFS_Write_File Local Integer Overflow Vulnerability
2005-04-19: Linux Kernel Serial Driver Local Mouse And Keyboard Event Injection Vulnerability
2005-04-19: Linux Kernel TmpFS Driver Local Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2005-04-19: Linux Kernel Multiple Local Buffer Overflow And Memory Disclosure Vulnerabilities
2005-04-19: Linux Kernel Unspecified Local NFS I/O Denial of Service Vulnerability
2005-04-18: Multiple Vendor TCP Session Acknowledgement Number Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2005-04-12: Multiple Vendor loopback (land.c) Denial of Service Vulnerability
2005-04-11: Linux Kernel Netfilter Memory Leak Local Denial of Service Vulnerability
2005-04-11: Linux Kernel Futex Local Deadlock Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2005-04-06: Linux Kernel Asynchronous Input/Output Local Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2005-03-30: Linux Kernel File Lock Local Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2005-03-24: Linux Kernel ReiserFS File System Local Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2005-03-24: Linux Kernel User Triggerable BUG() Unspecified Local Denial of Service Vulnerability
2005-03-24: Linux Kernel Multiple Local MOXA Serial Driver Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities
2005-03-22: Linux kernel Uselib() Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
2005-03-07: Linux Kernel Local RLIMIT_MEMLOCK Bypass Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2005-03-07: Linux Kernel Symmetrical Multiprocessing Page Fault Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
2005-03-07: Linux Kernel IGMP Multiple Vulnerabilities
2005-03-07: Linux Kernel Local Denial Of Service And Memory Disclosure Vulnerabilities
2005-02-28: Linux Kernel Sys32_NI_Syscall/Sys32_VM86_Warning Local Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
2005-02-28: Linux Kernel Sock_DGram_SendMsg Local Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2005-02-28: Linux Kernel AF_UNIX Arbitrary Kernel Memory Modification Vulnerability
2005-02-28: Linux Kernel SCM_SEND Local Denial of Service Vulnerability
2005-02-28: Linux Kernel SMBFS Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
2005-02-28: Linux Kernel IPTables Logging Rules Integer Underflow Vulnerability
2005-02-25: Linux Kernel USB Driver Uninitialized Structure Information Disclosure Vulnerability
2005-02-25: Linux Kernel USB io_edgeport Driver Local Integer Overflow Vulnerability
2005-02-25: Linux Kernel Local DRM Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2005-02-25: Linux Kernel ELF Binary Loading Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2005-02-25: Linux Kernel SCSI IOCTL Integer Overflow Vulnerability
2005-02-25: Linux Kernel Audit Subsystem Local Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2005-02-11: Linux Kernel IPTables Initialization Failure Vulnerability
2005-02-09: Linux Kernel Device Driver Virtual Memory Flags Unspecified Vulnerability
2005-02-07: Linux Kernel ntfs_warning() and ntfs_error() Local Denial of Service Vulnerability
2005-02-05: Linux Kernel IPV6_Setsockopt IPV6_PKTOPTIONS Integer Overflow Vulnerability
2005-01-31: Multiple Vendor Algorithmic Complexity Denial of Service Vulnerability
2005-01-24: Linux Kernel Multiple Local Vulnerabilities
2005-01-15: Linux Kernel File 64-Bit Offset Pointer Handling Kernel Memory Disclosure Vulnerability
2005-01-11: Linux Kernel Multiple Unspecified Vulnerabilities
2005-01-11: Linux Kernel Random Poolsize SysCTL Handler Integer Overflow Vulnerability
2005-01-05: Linux Kernel Local File Descriptor Passing Security Module Bypass Vulnerability
2005-01-05: Linux Kernel SYSENTER Thread Information Pointer Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability
2004-12-27: Linux IBM S/390 Kernel SACF Instruction Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
2004-12-24: Linux Kernel 32 Bit Compatibility System Call Handler AMD64 Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
2004-12-24: Linux Kernel Floating Point Register Contents Leak Vulnerability
2004-12-22: Linux Kernel chown() System Call Group Ownership Alteration Vulnerability
2004-12-14: Linux Kernel JFS File System Information Leakage Vulnerability
2004-12-14: SGI IRIX Undisclosed MapElf32Exec Local Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2004-12-09: Linux Kernel SYS_IA32.C Unspecified Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
2004-12-07: Linux Kernel 64 Bit ELF Header Local Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2004-12-07: Linux Kernel AIO_Free_Ring Local Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2004-12-02: Linux Kernel Unspecified Local TSS Vulnerability For AMD64 And EMT64T Architectures
2004-12-01: Linux Kernel Multiple Device Driver Vulnerabilities
2004-12-01: Linux Kernel 2.4 XDR Packet Handler For NFSv3 Remote Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2004-10-25: Multiple Vendor TCP Packet Fragmentation Handling Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2004-09-15: Linux Kernel Samba Share Local Privilege Elevation Vulnerability
2004-08-27: Linux Kernel e1000 Ethernet Card Driver Kernel Memory Disclosure Vulnerability
2004-08-27: Linux Kernel Unspecified Local Denial of Service Vulnerability
2004-08-27: Multiple Local Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities
2004-08-25: Linux Kernel Process Spawning Race Condition Environment Variable Disclosure Vulnerability
2004-08-18: Linux kernel do_fork() Memory Leakage Vulnerability
2004-08-16: Linux Kernel CPUFreq Proc Handler Integer Handling Vulnerability
2004-08-09: Linux Kernel Unspecified Signal Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2004-08-09: Linux Kernel Unspecified chown Inode Time Vulnerability
2004-07-28: Linux kernel Framebuffer Code Unspecified Vulnerability
2004-07-28: Linux Kernel IPTables Sign Error Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2004-07-22: Linux Kernel Multiple Unspecified Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities
2004-07-15: Linux Kernel Panic Function Call Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
2004-07-15: Linux Kernel XFS File System Information Leakage Vulnerability
2004-07-15: Linux Kernel R128 Device Driver Unspecified Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
2004-07-15: Linux Kernel ISO9660 File System Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
2004-07-15: Linux Kernel Equalizer Load Balancer Device Driver Local Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2004-07-09: Linux Kernel Floating Point Exception Handler Local Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2004-06-29: Linux Kernel Sbus PROM Driver Multiple Integer Overflow Vulnerabilities
2004-06-22: Linux Kernel IEEE 1394 Integer Overflow Vulnerability
2004-06-17: Linux Kernel Inter Intergrated Circuit Bus Driver Integer Overflow Vulnerability
2004-06-15: Linux Kernel SCTP_SetSockOpt Integer Overflow Vulnerability
2004-06-04: Linux Kernel do_mremap Function VMA Limit Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
2004-06-03: Unix and Unix-based select() System Call Overflow Vulnerability
2004-05-22: Linux Kernel Setsockopt MCAST_MSFILTER Integer Overflow Vulnerability
2004-05-21: Linux Kernel NCPFS ncp_lookup() Unspecified Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
2004-05-21: Linux Kernel 2.4 RTC Handling Routines Memory Disclosure Vulnerability
2004-05-20: Linux Kernel Serial Driver Proc File Information Disclosure Vulnerability
2004-05-12: Linux Kernel STRNCPY Information Leak Vulnerability
2004-05-10: Linux Kernel Local IO Access Inheritance Vulnerability
2004-04-26: Linux Kernel Privileged Process Hijacking Vulnerability
2004-04-24: Linux kernel i810 DRM driver Unspecified Vulnerability
2004-04-19: Linux Kernel do_mremap Function Boundary Condition Vulnerability
2004-04-12: Linux Kernel Sigqueue Blocking Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2004-04-05: Linux Kernel do_brk Function Boundary Condition Vulnerability
2004-04-03: Multiple Vendor Network Device Driver Frame Padding Information Disclosure Vulnerability
2004-02-26: Linux Kernel 32 Bit Ptrace Emulation Full Kernel Rights Vulnerability
2004-02-19: Linux Kernel Fragment Reassembly Remote Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2004-02-19: Linux Kernel FPU/SSE Environment Restoration MXCSR Register Corruption Vulnerability
2004-02-19: Linux TTY Layer Kernel Panic Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2004-02-19: Linux Kernel IOPERM System Call I/O Port Access Vulnerability
2004-02-19: Linux Kernel Route Cache Entry Remote Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2004-02-19: Linux Kernel 2.4.18 iBCS IPC signal handling Vulnerability
2004-02-19: Linux Kernel execve() Malformed ELF File Unspecified Local Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2004-01-15: Linux /proc Filesystem Potential Information Disclosure Vulnerability
2004-01-15: Linux 2.4 Kernel execve() System Call Race Condition Vulnerability
2004-01-15: Linux O_DIRECT Direct Input/Output Information Leak Vulnerability
2004-01-15: Multiple Linux 2.4 Kernel Vulnerabilities
Loving an OS is stupid and it's counter productive to progress. I do use Linux btw
JuleOS, you're a dumb nugget, who doesn't wtf you're talking about. Perhaps you've used Redhat once or twice? I've been around *nix in one form or another for most of my life :P
Iglesias, go away. No one wants your Linux propaganda here. Not even someone who visits this godforsaken place once a year.
My oh my.
Why is it that some people just can't live with the fact that other people do/don't like Linux? Is it like the white/black segregation, that you can't possibly like or even understand the opposing viewpoint?
(fail) (fail)
Jule - learn that some people don't like Linux and it's best to leave them alone.
Tom, Steve, Andrew - learn that some people *do* like Linux and it's best to leave them alone.
It's threads like these that make me want to leave WB. I figured out a while ago that if somebody can't handle my liking of Linux, they can go fuck themselves. They're not going to be able to convert me to BSD anytime soon. That's going to happen on my own. Incidentally, I've been messing around with OpenBSD in VMware and I have to say that it's one of the better OSes I've used. Definitely up there with Slackware and OS X. But I'm not going to put it on my server just yet.
To provide a nice personal opinion and respect others:
It seems a few people here have had Linux problems, me included. I hate the partitioning business and the X-Window System, and linux did not like my Dell at all, whereas FreeBSD loved it and ran like a dream. That is why I use FreeBSD and not Linux...and Linux is more complicated. It has different runlevels which are unnecessary, and most *nix software works with BSD and Linux, so there really isn't any need to argue. If NiteIce likes Linux, let him like it, and if Tom doesn't, fine.
But stop thrusting opinions on each other so we can all learn a bit of respect!
:!: :!: , my usb cameras don't even blink. however I used to have a quickam working good with my old system, in color , BW and Ascii(nice). Printers is just the worst part, most of all drivers mess is not windows it is manufacturer centered in percentages, 90(W & Mc) vs 7, the other three is anything else. However if you really want something to work you can get hundreds of FREE brains willing to do it, the manufacturer you paid don't like you. Programmer are familiar with environment. If your college is bekerly wow, you probably will be a darn good multisystem programmer. If you go to FIU maybe a Delphi Borland Turbo Pascal and Visuals (B, C, C++, etcs); some concepts apply to portability, twice or trice the use for the same code, with minimum changes. Java comes to mine. Please don't point linux is not mic, I guess we know that, really I do. Open source, well depends on wich GPLorGNU licensing crap you want it to fall, freespire is not free, freebsd is free. Runtime royalties, someone just got linux with graphical Bootloader, god bless, daemons :evil: comes to my mine, obviously not yours; Royalties is like processes like deamons like background programs for specific beneficial task, well then there are and much more than you can imaging, even more than Wdos, however much easier to manuever. Robust, Yes, but base on distro, ubuntu is crap is just easy for beginners, a couple of months on that distro and you will feel winme has more features. on the other hand, try gentoo and eat bytes and you will fall unto the light.
Finally, *nix or *bsd, are OSs they are not perfect but are a real option, take or keep on with your beatiful resource eater V.
Gentoo does not eat your bytes, and...
Your post is horribly formed, you don't seperate different things out, and most importantly, look at the last reply date! Well beyond 2 years ago! Isn't that a tiny bit old?