
edited December 2006 in News & Announcements
OK, we have two problems:

1) The server WinWorld's downloads are on is fucked. Twice now I've uploaded shit, and the Operating Systems folder has suddenly become inaccessible due to an internal error.

2) My FTP seems to be partially fucked up now.


  • So does that mean someone needs to find if they have the operating systems folder?
  • No, it means someone needs to figure out why the server keeps fucking up, and only that folder in particular.
  • You mean MY server? How the fuck is it doing that? I've never seen it have any problems!
  • ka0s wrote:
    You mean MY server? How the fuck is it doing that? I've never seen it have any problems!

    No, the 100 Mbps 'layeredtech' server hosting I have.

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