Installation of Vista
I really screwed up. Right now I'm in IE 6 SP1 running Windows Update and downloading the offline installer to SP2. Here's how THAT came to pass:
I write 4 Vista install CDs and restart the system. After having deleted the old XP partition and started the file copy, it turns out there were ... 5 CDs (I found THAT out at 98%).
So I cancel and try and install 2000 so I can write the 5th image, but during install 2000 sees the F: drive as being "damaged or corrupt", so I quickly drop that for XP Pro corp (x64), which I always wanted to use even if only for a few minutes. That doesn't take the # I give it, and neither does the x86 one! I check the key I used on BlacIII and discover that the one I was using were some nonsense. I get XP installed.
Now XP SP1 doesn't recognize SATA OR my network (Only that annoying "1394 Net Adapter"), so I have to use the systemboard CD to install both, and it STILL doesn't recognize my SATA! Now I'm installing SP2 so I can install all the other updates and get the ISO off the
and write it via (What certainly SHOULD work) the external CD drive.
Aargh, only 2% away...
Although on the plus side I was given the option of which edition of WVI I wanted to install. I selected Buissiness N for all that mattered. Is there anything more to Ultimate that I should've gone for?
I write 4 Vista install CDs and restart the system. After having deleted the old XP partition and started the file copy, it turns out there were ... 5 CDs (I found THAT out at 98%).
So I cancel and try and install 2000 so I can write the 5th image, but during install 2000 sees the F: drive as being "damaged or corrupt", so I quickly drop that for XP Pro corp (x64), which I always wanted to use even if only for a few minutes. That doesn't take the # I give it, and neither does the x86 one! I check the key I used on BlacIII and discover that the one I was using were some nonsense. I get XP installed.
Now XP SP1 doesn't recognize SATA OR my network (Only that annoying "1394 Net Adapter"), so I have to use the systemboard CD to install both, and it STILL doesn't recognize my SATA! Now I'm installing SP2 so I can install all the other updates and get the ISO off the

Aargh, only 2% away...
Although on the plus side I was given the option of which edition of WVI I wanted to install. I selected Buissiness N for all that mattered. Is there anything more to Ultimate that I should've gone for?
Probably not missing anything important.
It turns I only got 4 CDs! There WAS no CD 5 so I'm DOOMED!
I have the MSDN downloader somewhere. It's like 52mb or something.
I have the Vista Business edition, I'm not sure what version you are using, and I don't know if it will work, but it's worth the try.
Because I got two Vista Business licences for FREE. So no need to look for another key or crack when the first SP comes out. Besides that, Business perfectly suits my needs. I don't need the MCE crap or whatever comes with it.
I have an Experience index of 3.8 btw.
Anyway WEI/WinSAT works perfectly now and strangely enough so does the sound...?