NT4 NoFloppy NoCD installation... possible?

edited March 2007 in Software
I've got a notebook floppyless and CD-ROMless...

PII200MMX, 64MB RAM, 3GB HD, 1 USB port, IR-interface, PCMCIA, etc...

It's running a Win2K very slowly... so I wanted to install NT4 on it. I've just downloaded the package of OS and SP's.

I've unpacked the .iso file in the partition I want to install it. So I've started installation...
d:\>cd I386
c:\I386\>winnt32 /b
(on the cmd over Win2K)

So, the install ran correctly, rebooted my notebook and started over the new boot selection (to continue installation).
Then, appeared the blue screen of WinNT drivers detection. Few seconds later, the classic Win ERROR BLUE SCREEN told me the boot device was not availble.

Could someone help me?


  • sorry, it was me up there...
  • Sorry, but I guess you misunderstood me.

    I don't have floppy driver neither CD-ROM driver...
  • You'll have to take the hard drive out, put it in a desktop (either through usb or internal hookup), format the drive as FAT16 ot NTFSV4 (used by WinNT4.0) make the partition active, and then copy over the system files from a dos 6 boot disk. As well as the I386 fodler and all your drivers. Then place back in the lapop, boot up the system and then change to the I386 folder and type winnt /? and look for the switches which doesn't create the setup boot floppies and performs a floppyles install. HTH
  • BOD wrote:

    ^ That'll let you run setup off the HD without using those retarded floppies.
  • Thank you, I'll try it!
    Guess will work...

    Good choice!
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