Computer Won't Run



  • OK, all plugged up now and when I push the button the CPU fan
    works and the PSU fan works and the powerled works and the
    reset works.
    The rear case fan doesn't work and I've plugged and unplugged
    it several times so something must have happened when Curly
    spliced in the extension wires so it would reach.

    I'm going to plug the power 4 hole molex connector to the DVD
    and take it to the office and try to boot up to xubuntu and see
    how it goes.

  • I'm writing this with the "Computer Won't Run" machine.
    It currently has no hard drive so I'm running xubuntu on
    CD. The rear case fan is not powering up as I feared and
    I guess my friend Curly who spliced the wires to make
    them long enough either crossed a wire or didn't get a
    good splice.

    Thanks to everyone who has been helping me along and
    a special thanks to UglynGrey ! who put me over
    the top.
    Thanks UglynGrey !

  • Absolutely no problem

    I'm happy to see you working
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